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[RELEASE] Lockdown v3.0 - Flash0 Based Password Protection

your new release of the xmb version seems great but can you add the plugin activation after the code has been activated for this version of lockdown if you understand what im saying?
how do i load the plugins????
im stuck

Make sure that your seplugins\vsh.txt is in the new format.
ms0:/seplugins/...........prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/...........prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/...........prx 1
Just go to recovery and disable and enable the plugins and it will automatically be converted to the new format.

Go to advanced configuration and disable XMB plugins.
Create a blank text file called loadplugins.txt in flash0:

Thats all. Now after you enter the correct password, it should load the plugins automatically.
i copyed the loader.prx to the flash0 root and the link u supplyed with (thevshmain.prx) and copyed it to /module and my plugins are set up as eg: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/hidefile/hidefile.prx.

now how do i disable the xmb plugins. through the recovery menu??? oh btw im running on 5.00m33 im about to update to m33-3
can u like send or post a step by step guide....
Install Lockdown v3.0 normally from this thread.

Get the loader.prx from XMB Style BETA-3. Only the BETA-3 one will load the plugins.
Put it in:

Get the new vshmain.prx http://www.sendspace.com/file/ep790w
Put it in:
flash0:/vsh/module/vshmain.prx and overwrite the old one.

Create a blank text file
flash0:/loadplugins.txt (make sure it not loadplugins.txt.txt or something due to hidden file extensions in Windows)

You have to be on 5.00M33-2 or above. The seplugins/vsh.txt must be converted to the new format. To convert it automatically, just go to recovery menu and disable the plugins, then enable them again.

Then under Advanced Configuration, disable XMB Plugins.
hey!!!! i finally got it to work. i made the the file loadplugins.txt.txt :S my bad! lol
something i realised is when i updated it flashed a new recovery so when i go to the recovery menu it DOESNT ask for a code....hoe do i fix this, do i rename it recovery_real and flash the recovery from the lockdown file into it???
never mind done it, i just renamed the newly flashed recovery to recovery_real and flashed the recovery from the lockdown file into the flash.
cheers man for all your help, im a big fan.
I love this app, but I would like to request an "Internet Lock" feature. That way I people have to have a password to get into the internet as well. (I know there is one already interrogated with the PSP's Firmware, but I want more then 4 digits)

Thank You

Thats not possible without much effort and negative side effects.
so the recovery.prx in the kd folder also has to be renamed to recovery_real.prx?
The XMB option is annoying, but it is very useful for when you dont want certain people using your psp. and i also like how it doesnt lock up if you forget the password :D
just a question torch, how can i ,ake this only boot at recovery?
just a question torch, how can i ,ake this only boot at recovery?

Rename's lockdown's vshmain.prx to recovery.prx. Hex edit it and change all the vshmain_real.prx to recover_real.prx (the length should remain the same 16 chars hence recover_real.prx). Rename the flash0: recovery.prx to recover_real.prx