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Show Off Your Art

few wallpapers and a myspace background layout i've made:

If anyone knows me, they know i love photoshop and i've done a ton of stuff with it. recently i turned this

into this

you need to view it in full mode. the resizer screws with it
Someone did a tutorial in the tuts section already that is pretty good for showing alot of diff tools and methods of working.....definately covers everything you need to know to make that Castlevania sig, and really any kind of sig you want.....just have to use your imagination and be creative with what that dude shows in the tut...
Shatterdome said:
Someone did a tutorial in the tuts section already that is pretty good for showing alot of diff tools and methods of working.....definately covers everything you need to know to make that Castlevania sig, and really any kind of sig you want.....just have to use your imagination and be creative with what that dude shows in the tut...
it's not a sig lol
it's a logo, i made it for my own personal opy of Castlevania the dracula x chronicles with the symphony of the night full screen patch. so i made it to make it more of the DXC style.

but you are right, with photoshop you have to be creative to create such things. or at least i think so, I have never really used tutorials at all.
i worked on this last night, i drew this picture in art this past week and it scans very poorly and so too complete my original vision

i turned it into this


it's like a sequence