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that reminds me of a pod racer from star wars, I don't know why lol
Slasher said:
that reminds me of a pod racer from star wars, I don't know why lol
I can see that, with the gray cylinder and the stuff shooting out to the left.

Madsoul, do you do all of these in Photoshop?
madsoul said:
i personally feel im far away from being proffesionally good. i need to practice alot more before i try to earn money on my art. would be awsome if i could thought. and thanks guys! :tup:
gosh, if this is your unprofessional art, i can't imagine what your professional art would look like.
Those meat landscapes are strangely creepy. It's like looking into someone's heart.
brain said:


Woot, awesome. I wanted to ask though, can you read minds, brain? Every criticism I had about the one you sent me through MSN has been corrected, and I didn't even tell you what they were. Also, could I post pixel art here?