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Show Off Your Art

work in progress

SeanyP said:
is that done in photoshop?
you've got alot better!
He does his stuff in Photoshop with a tablet, a sort of compromise between Photoshop and actually... drawing stuff.
that's epic, too bad it's just outside my wallpaper resolution :( ehh, I like my current wallpaper anyway (found by randomly searching "lightning volcano", I scaled it a bit for my crappy resolution)
i like the way you use white shading to create light instead of using black to create shadows, very clever, i might like to try that instead some day
Abe Froeman said:
Have you ever shown your stuff publically madsoul? Like to make money off of moving forward?

i personally feel im far away from being proffesionally good. i need to practice alot more before i try to earn money on my art. would be awsome if i could thought. and thanks guys! :tup: