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Tiff Exploit - HEN Information

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its looks so fake but i know it isnt, you know what they say sometimes the things that happen to look fake are real and vice versa. or something like that :)

I know Davee can run in to errors at anytime but it always seems to occur when the HEN is going to be released which I find odd.


New Member
Because before the HEN is released he most likely does one final run through to make sure everything is in order before wrapping it up and uploading it, and then he notices an error. We're better off with no bugs at all or at least less than there would be.


Because before the HEN is released he most likely does one final run through to make sure everything is in order before wrapping it up and uploading it, and then he notices something an error. We're better off with no bugs at all or at least less than there would be.

Well if they are many minor bugs I personally would have released the HEN anyways.Most likely because I would make a revision later on with bug fixes and new support features etc.


New Member
its looks so fake but i know it isnt, you know what they say sometimes the things that happen to look fake are real and vice versa. or something like that :)

It's not fake. The magixien's Gripshift downgrader was.


New Member
He probably will end up releasing it with minor bugs and then release a revision later. Not everything will be perfect on the first try. But if he's delaying release because of a bug it's probably something that really should be fixed.


He probably will end up releasing it with minor bugs and then release a revision later. Not everything will be perfect on the first try. But if he's delaying release because of a bug it's probably something that really should be fixed.

Yep I guess your right :).

But I still hope it is today.


New Member
even if it's not a so minor bug i can't see why wait it's been long enough and like you say not can be perfect


he did say he'd released it even with the last bug he found (maybe he forgot:sleep:)

Yah I had serious faith in Davee when he said he would release regardless of bugs...But now the doubt is beginning to eat away my faith,but I will hold strong :D.


Um is it 9:37pm where Davee is??

Cuz if it is I know HEN is not coming today for sure and I can go to bed :).
Tomorrow there is the school and I all hours will think at the HEN!!!!!!!!!!!It will be a long day!!!!!!!!!!

Would be better if u pay attention to the classes, do well on exams, so u'll have time to play with homebrews :w00t:


Yep as I assumed.

Guess I can go to bed and wait another day ;).


New Member
That status in the IRC channel just changed.

Rules: English only. No Spam. No ISO discussion. Do not bother Davee (or anyone). No pointless speculation. | PSP only, general chat in #mformature | Latest news here: Tiff Exploit - HEN Information - M for Mature Forums <- If it is not there, do NOT ask for it or you will be kicked | Status: Release is imminent

READ: Status: Release is imminent
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