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Username change request

Hello, I created the account many years ago when it was "Dantescadas", a year ago I changed my nickname to "gallumboverde" everywhere. Can it be changed? Thank you.
Could you change my Username to iRockaR Λ Z Ξ R no rush Boss stay safe @x3sphere
Sure but those Λ Ξ characters aren't allowed in the username, you can use it for your display name however.

Username can contain alpha characters only, a dot ( . ), underscore ( _ ), or space.
Hello, could you change my username? because that is my real name, I would like it not to be exposed. It can be for "JOGADÔ" or "JOGADOH". Thaks

Could you please change my username to ENrV8? It's what I'm using most places and changing it where possible.

Thanks in advance!