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Multi What consoles do you own?

Hi guys,

I have below these,

XBox 360
DS: lite
Master system
Mega drive
Game boy
Game Boy Colour
Game boy Advance
Game boy Micro
I-pod touch

I got some of these as a gift and some of from my own money..
What about yours collection..?
At my house:
PS3 Phat
PSP Phat (x2)
DS Lite (Silver)
GBA (Purple)
PS2 Original (Silver)
Wii (White)

At my Gran's house (for when I go there)
SNES (Broken ATM)
PS2 Phat (x2, Black and Silver)
PS3 Phat
Elite Xbox 360 (x2 atm)
PS2 (Phat & Slim)
ColecoVision (my first console, but its lost in the attic somewhere)


iPhone 3G (I consider this a platform)
PSP 1000
Gameboy Color

I don't know why I never got a SNES
Hi guys,

I have below these,

XBox 360
DS: lite
Master system
Mega drive
Game boy
Game Boy Colour
Game boy Advance
Game boy Micro
I-pod touch

I got some of these as a gift and some of from my own money..
What about yours collection..?

I've merged your thread with one already covering this topic; an old one at that.
Chronological order:

Atari 2600 (It had a HARDWARE difficulty switch! Imagine that on a PS3 LOL!)
Brick Game
TV BOY (When my Atari's controller pins were irreparably damaged)
Terminator 2 (Fake NES)
PSP 1000 (Gave away)
PSP 2000
TV BOY (When my Atari's controller pins were irreparably damaged)

The TV Boy, what an amazing piece of history :)


The days of endlessly entering codes.
Sony PS3 80gb PHAT
Sony PSP 1000 - Hacked
Sony PSP 3000
Nintendo Wii - Hacked
Nintendo DS lite - Hacked (flash card)
Decent ish PC - Can run mw2 fine.
Ipod nano 4th gen
PSP 1001
PSP 2001
NDS Lite
Gameboy Color
Lets see.....

Sega Gen.
PS1 Fat and Slim
PS2 Fat and slim
First gen PSP
xbox 360 elite and arcade (moded for backup copy and system link)
I did own every major console ever released in the US, except the Wii U, but I just sold off a big chunk of my collection like 9 months back. I wound up doing a residential photo shoot last year (I'm an architectural photographer). The house was being sold due to the homeowner passing away and it winds up he had one of the most beautiful darkrooms I have ever seen and had a bunch of equipment I was interested in, including a Durst 5x7 color enlarger and a custom Zone VI 8x10 enlarger with cold light head and motorized base that was in pristine condition. So I inquired about the darkroom equipment and it winds up they had been trying to sell if for the better part of the year and couldn't find any buyers. Understandable given how rare large format photographers are these days, at least those that still shoot film and work in a darkroom. So I made an offer on the enlargers, the enlarging lenses and some other misc equipment. I told them I would do the entire photo shoot for free plus I would throw in $1500, which given the price of the photo shoot was basically like a $6,000 offer. thats an absolute steal given the overall value of those enlargers. They accepted the offer almost as fast as I offered it. Ultimately, I think they were just thankful to get rid of all of it.

Anyways, these are BIG enlargers. The 8x10 by itself is absolutely massive. I had a pretty big darkroom, but I didn't have anywhere near the room to add those 2 enlargers. I already had 2 - 4x5 enlargers (1 color, 1 b&w). So I had to tear the entire darkroom down and redesign it from the ground up and unfortunately, the only way I could add the room I needed was to get rid of a big chunk of my basement gaming room, which is were all of my old consoles were set up. Basically, I got rid of all of my older consoles including my Atari 2600, Colecovision, Dreamcast, PS One, N64, SNES, Lynx, Saturn, etc. I kept everything from the past 3 generations, dating back to the original Xbox and PS2. In all honesty, I used to play them all the time, but I really hadn't played them much at all over the last 2 to 3 years. So it just made sense to get rid of them. In the end it was definitely worth it as my darkroom is pretty bada*s now. Plus I wound up getting a significant amount of money in return. I was actually shocked at the value a lot of those older games have, especially when you have the box and instructions. All in all, I made just over $9,000 on everything.

I admit, I am kinda sad now that their gone. Many of those were the original consoles I purchased back in the day. I did have to replace a few, but it was surprising how many held up over the long run. Oh well, I still have the last 3 generations of hardware, along with a backlog of games that borders on insane. Who knows, maybe some day I will buy a few of them back.
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Atari Jaguar
Spectrum 48k +2
Playstation one
Neo geo handheld
Gameboy advanced
I did have a wii and a 360 but recently got rid of them both.
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