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Multi Call of Duty: Black Ops

El Xando

"Dam whippersnapper"
Played quite a lot today.
Who else dislikes spending their CoD points? :p
I have like 25,000 left over, only bought a couple of perks, attachments, tomahawk, concussion nades and a killstreak, got to about level 20.


So I started by playing a couple rounds of multiplayer, pretty good so far, can't wait to get more hours in. After that I started playing the campaign, and all I can say is: BADASS.


Active Member
Am I the only one that hasn't even touched the campaign yet and just spent all their time on the multiplayer? I love it, for some reason I'm finding it a lot easier than previous CoD games, although as far as I'm concerned this is MW3 for me despite the time it's set in. It doesn't feel like CoD 3 or 5.

El Diablo

I haven't touched the campaign and probably never will. Multiplayer is where it's all at.


Active Member
I haven't touched the campaign and probably never will. Multiplayer is where it's all at.
Ah I'll probably get round to playing it for the achivements sometime, but the campaign didn't even register when I was getting the game. My one gripe with the online is the flame thrower is way OP, my friend was racking up insane kills with it on some maps.


Los Doyers!
I thought the ending of the game was lame.

Josey Wales

Evil Poptart
Im laughing at everyone who is now failing because they are PC whores.

BBL, gonna go play Black ops on my PS3 with max frame rate


Active Member
I think I'm gonna call it a night. Played four missions or so of campaign, some Dead-Ops, Zombies, and Combat Training with the girlfriend, and a bunch of online. Level 17 and a 1.31 k/d ratio. Works for me! Absolutely loving this so far.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Actually not a fan of multiplayer that much right now... Can't put my finger on it but at this point I'd rather go back to playing MW2 than this game at this point. Mostly I think it's point-blank hip shots that should've killed the guy but resulted in him knifing me (even though his knife missed me). I'll give it another shot tomorrow (finished entire campaign tonight; had to get that out of the way)


Active Member
Actually not a fan of multiplayer that much right now... Can't put my finger on it but at this point I'd rather go back to playing MW2 than this game at this point. Mostly I think it's point-blank hip shots that should've killed the guy but resulted in him knifing me (even though his knife missed me). I'll give it another shot tomorrow (finished entire campaign tonight; had to get that out of the way)


Active Member
Actually not a fan of multiplayer that much right now... Can't put my finger on it but at this point I'd rather go back to playing MW2 than this game at this point. Mostly I think it's point-blank hip shots that should've killed the guy but resulted in him knifing me (even though his knife missed me). I'll give it another shot tomorrow (finished entire campaign tonight; had to get that out of the way)

That's surprising cause I personally think it's much more balanced right now at least than MW2 was. Maybe you're just tired out or something, or gotta get used to it and get into the swing of things.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Ipaq is just mad he can't camp and keep up a 5 k/d by creeping in a corner the whole entire game.

Nah it's not even that, the spawns seem to be horrible in this game. I've had guys spawn behind me a ton of times already.. makes no sense

EDIT: Final kill on our team was someone who died and then spawned right next to an enemy walking and he just laid him out with a shotgun...now that's just unacceptable (it happened in MW2 too but not this often..)

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
Nah it's not even that, the spawns seem to be horrible in this game. I've had guys spawn behind me a ton of times already.. makes no sense

EDIT: Final kill on our team was someone who died and then spawned right next to an enemy walking and he just laid him out with a shotgun...now that's just unacceptable (it happened in MW2 too but not this often..)

Hopefully they can/will fix this.....

El Diablo

I was in a game earlier and I forgot what map we were on but there were 3 people on the other team laying down just shooting at where we spawned, they must have killed the 3 of us a total of like 5-6 times before it moved us. Literally we would spawn, get shot in the head, respawn at the other person who just respawned on us there and get shot in the head again. Shit like this is one of the reasons I despise any type of DM game. There's just no good way to stop it from happening.