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Critical question about the achievements and trophies of the same game on different platforms and devices!!!


Well-Known Member
With the existence of several platforms and various devices, from the oldest to the new ones that emerge, the games, when achieving the achievements and trophies, prefer that they only manage to the same game, starting over again on each different platform and device , or if you achieve an achievement or trophy on a given platform or device, be automatically registered on the others?

Example: A massive game between multiple platforms and devices is Minecraft, if I achieve a specific achievement, will I have to achieve it equally in the others? or is it registered in all of them, thus standardizing the game record?

I have a philosophical doubt about this issue, about this crucial point of hunter of achievements and trophies. What do you say? What do you think about this debate? Something to contribute in a perspective?
With the existence of several platforms and various devices, from the oldest to the new ones that emerge, the games, when achieving the achievements and trophies, prefer that they only manage to the same game, starting over again on each different platform and device , or if you achieve an achievement or trophy on a given platform or device, be automatically registered on the others?

Example: A massive game between multiple platforms and devices is Minecraft, if I achieve a specific achievement, will I have to achieve it equally in the others? or is it registered in all of them, thus standardizing the game record?

I have a philosophical doubt about this issue, about this crucial point of hunter of achievements and trophies. What do you say? What do you think about this debate? Something to contribute in a perspective?
I think it depends on the game and developers...I have played games where each version has it own achievement and trophy list...and u have to obtain them separate (ratalia games on ps4 and Vita) ...I have played games where they share the same trophy list (dragons crown or Final Fantasy X (ps3,ps4,vita) then I have played games where they have their own trophy list but you can cross save and just unlock the trophies instantly (sound shapes)

I mean look at Destiny 2 currently...you can cross save and earn achievements that u have already earned on stadia, ps4, Xbox and steam...but they all have their own list.

personally I feel that each platform should have its own list that needs to be worked on...but for big titles like Minecraft or like destiny they should have a cross save feature to transfer data over so u dont always have to start over.....with that feature I'm OK with unlock achievements instantly.
I've never used another one of my saves to unlock achievements. I just end up playing it again for it. I don't mind doing this, either, even if it is for a massive game. It's another list, so... gotta do it again lol.
I know you can "glitch" challenges with Uplay (dont know exactly how, but i know that exist) with same game on different platforms. The real problem is that we cannot certify that the player wanted to glitch or if he really wanted to redo the game (actually, i just talk about Uplay, we can link our account with some Ubisoft Game when we are on PS/Xbox)
The majority (or the normal) that you will have to earn them from the start all over again.
Even the remastered games on the same platform you will still need to play them even if you use your original game saves, using the original saves will unlock some achievements but the rest will require playing and that is of course if the remastered allow the use of the save files from the original.