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DS Emulation on PSP

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For the love of god will this thread die already
<p>i havedownload the file but when i open the ds emulator i got error 80010002 and i put in game 150</p>

What firmware are you running?
3.71 M33-2 cnd u teach me how to install
the emulator opens but my rom did not appear on the screen
can anybody give me a full tutorial on how to install desmume on psp

Merged by Acerthief: Don't Multi-post, press the EDIT button on the bottom left of your post to add things you want. Thanks!
<p>wat is poc
is there an emulator that could play pokemon diamond and what is the website to download phoniex right justice.</p>
wat is poc
is there an emulator that could play pokemon diamond and what is the website to download phoniex right justice.

POC is short for Proof of Concept.
Which means that it shows that the console has the ability to do one concept.

3. No distributing of any copyrighted content is allowed on this server without the copyrights' owners' approval. Requesting, posting links to or asking for help with illegally downloaded game images, commonly referred to as ISOs or ROMs, is forbidden.

Strike one for you.
Arguably, it could also mean Piece Of Cr-p. :D

But yes, Proof Of Concept is the actual meaning, and was what I intended in the post. Anywho, the fact that this emu is so hard to get setup and working should be an indicator that it isn't ready for use.
wat 150 folder r u talkin about????

wen i open the game section on my psp i open the 1.50kernel addon for 3.90v2 it says that its 4 the standard psp...wat should i do????????????

what archive r u talkin bout??????
<p>wen i open the game section on my psp i open the 1.50kernel addon for 3.90v2 it says that its 4 the standard psp...wat should i do????????????</p>

Read the directions that come with it. :wink:

Install instructions:

- Copy the program to /PSP/GAME/UPDATE

- If you have 1.50 addon, make sure you have the kernel of game folder configured to 3.71, or the

program will not even start.

So if you have the first 1.50 add-on, make sure to switch the GAME folder to 3.xx mode. I don't think that applies to you. Otherwise, just copy the update folder in the archive into GAME and run from the XMB. It will then do it's thing and you'll be able to run 1.50-based homebrew from GAME150 once more.
Could anybody give me the link to phoenix wright justice

3. No distributing of any copyrighted content is allowed on this server without the copyrights' owners' approval. Requesting, posting links to or asking for help with illegally downloaded game images, commonly referred to as ISOs or ROMs, is forbidden.

*Ahem* Strike 2. One more and you'll have fun in ban town for a week.
OMG this thread needs to die! it keeps getting dug up again and again and the same complaints keep coming up. DIE THREAD DIE!!
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