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How To: Install Popsloader on 3.80 M33, 3.90 M33

facer500 said:
Hey x3sphere, still having problems, please help me!

It is probably at step 6 or 7, when I'm running PSAR Dumper.
When I load up NEW PSAR DUMPER from my games/memory, it loads up. I hit square, as it says, and I get a message with this at the bottom:

PSAR decoding error pos=0x0003F320

Then I go to f0 and there are none of the three files I need in there! Eeek! So please let me know what's happening and what I'm doing wrong. I'd really like to get this working. Thanks! :(

What kernel are running the PSAR Dumper? If you are running 1.50 kernel, it probably will not work.


AnimeNerd said:
Quick question.
If I have more than one cd for a game how do I switch when they ask you to?

Try multi-disc POPSloader.
AnimeNerd said:
Is there any one other than ImpalerPSX because I tried that one and it didnt work.

Did you try other PSX tools/programs?

junksen3 said:
Ok so to use this to play PSOne games, you have to have FW 3.00 m33-3.72 m33?

No, its for 3.80 M33 and 3.90 M33 versions.

The POPSLoader for 3.80 M33 +3.90 M33 loads the pops prxs specific from each version. (3.00-3.72) The reason that is needed is that s0nY changes the PS1 emulator when they make updates. As a result of those changes, some PSX games don't work. So the POPSloader loads the PS1 emulator from the older version for game compatibility. You need to download the Update EBOOTS and dump the PSAR for that version to obtain the PS1 emulator ( the POPS prx files) and load it through POPSLoader.
Did you try other PSX tools/programs?
yah the psx2psp works and the games work on my psp I am just not sure what to do once it says switch to second cd because it doesnt let me save there so when I go back and go to the second cd it tells me to put in the first cd.
Hi there, I have a question...
When I try to launch PSARDumper from the game menu on my PSP, it doesn't launch with the message "The game could not be started. (80020148 )"
What do I do? (And what did I do wrong?)
Hi there, I have a question...
When I try to launch PSARDumper from the game menu on my PSP, it doesn't launch with the message "The game could not be started. (80020148 )"
What do I do? (And what did I do wrong?)

Do you have CFW? UMD mode is set to..?
i kinda understand what have you written about.....(how to put)
but i kinda confused which program to download....
so x3sphere can you send me an email (ym) which thing(program) i need to download....
send me the link....
this is maybe selfish of me but i am ver thankfull if you help me out

my psp information is:

3.90 M33-3

you can send the email at akudanbawang@yahoo.com

i am also begging everybody who read this message to help me...
thank you.....

also a few screenshot attachment can help me alot...
cause i am veryyy bad in english
hey when I load up the the PSAR DUMPER and click square, it says that cannot find EBOOT.PBP at root...

ya i copied the files to the root but it still cant find them.

also im running 5.00 m33 on the PSP the game i have is FFVIII and when I select new game it goes black and freezes. i need help im all confused...
it says the file is corrupted whenever im going to click the psardumper.
pls help. Im a noob.

I'm using 4.01 m33-2 slim

wait! should I copy psardumper folder ONLY inside the m33_psardumper folder?

whenver I copy the whole folder [m33_psardumper] it says corrupted data but when I copied the psardumper folder inside the m33_psardumper ONLY it works fine.

Im nervous about this. but what the heck Im a noob

it works now. hahahah! thx
After running the eboot my psp is stuck after unpacking... done.

Now I have the please wait for 30 mins or so. I tried powering off, recovery mode (holding R, right?) Nothing.

Did I somehow manage to brick my psp? :(
excuse me sir admin sir!

my firmware is 4.01 m33-2

i have followed ur guide on how to install the popsloader
- DL and extract to root the popsloader - done
- DL newspsardumper and extract the newpsardumper folder to PSP/GAME - done
- DL firmware 372.PBP and copy it to the root - done

however, when i saw the file in th PSP it says "CORRUPTED DATA"
first i disregard the description of the data and continued to "press square"
but nothing happened afterwards. i also tried to "press circle" but nothing happened

what will i do? what will i do? sir?

it says the file is corrupted whenever im going to click the psardumper.
pls help. Im a noob.

I'm using 4.01 m33-2 slim

wait! should I copy psardumper folder ONLY inside the m33_psardumper folder?

whenver I copy the whole folder [m33_psardumper] it says corrupted data but when I copied the psardumper folder inside the m33_psardumper ONLY it works fine.

Im nervous about this. but what the heck Im a noob

it works now. hahahah! thx

excuse me...howd u did it? i also tried to copy 1st the[m33_psardumper] then i tried to copy folder inside the [m33_psardumper]...but neither of them produce a good result T_T
Tells me, "This program requires 2.71 or higher." I'm running 3.90 m33-3 cfw.

This is the guide you will need.

okay I loaded the popsloader, but cant seem to get it loaded. I am running on 3.90 M33-3. My friend put it on here for me im mostly into computers, just getting into PSP's and emulators. and i want to play one of my favorite games from squaresoft. Front mission 3. Greatest game ever. And I cant seem to play it just yet. so do i need to down grade or get files from other updates?? any help would be great. Thx, spyro91:sneaky2: