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"I watched this film today and I recommend/don't recommend it."


Active Member
Se7en is great, The Game on the other hand... well I thought it was extremely lame and cheap (plot wise).

Watched a movie a little while ago called Happiness, if you haven't seen it watch it right now... :D


User Not Found

I saw this film a few months ago, and it was pretty good. I cant remember the title though :(

It was about a teacher who goes to a french boarding school and teaches them how to sing. It was in french


New Member
So... I just finished watching both Transporter and Transporter 2. They are good films if you like action and 'one-man-defeats-all' type of movies, but tbh they aren't what I would call good in general. I was bored and I really enjoyed both of them so if you like action and stupendous stunt scenes then I suggest you watch them both. I'll definitely be going to see Transporter 3 in the cinema soon. :D

Anybody else got any films they watched today/recently that would recommend?

I LOVE ALL 3!!! and you should watch taken!!!


New Member
well i gotta recommend one movie that i just saw for the first time in years..... Up in smoke!!!

man i love this movie cheech and chong are awesome.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
I watched The Prestige for the first time last night and I really enjoyed it. The only problem was that I called both of the plot twists midway through the movie :-/, kind of ruined it for myself.


I watched The Green Mile for the first time yesterday. Unlike anything i've ever seen, thought it was really good.


New Member
Watched a couple of films recently, I'll summarise what I thought of them;
Dragonball Evolution - Piss-poor.
Transformers - Mostly bad, but improved vastly towards the end.
Terminator 3 - Not as bad as most people made out. Doesn't compare to T2, but still decent
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Piss-yourself funny, although fairly obvious humour.

Recommended: Monty Python, Transformers (If you skip to the end) and Terminator (If you can ignore the plot and just watch the awesome truck chase)

Not Recommended: Dragonball Evolution: Absolutely piss-poor almost as bad as Aliens vs Predator: Requiem, and anyone who has seen that will know it is just a giant massacre of the franchises, same with DB:E


I just saw Terminator Salvation last night.(was going to see Night at the Museum, but it started too late) And like said above, not as bad as people made it seem. I thought it was a good movie, there are some places where improvements could be made, but i liked it.

I would recommend that you go see it if you have nothing else to do, but if you don't see while it is in theaters, it is a definitely a movie to rent.


Suck It
I saw Drag Me To Hell last night and I was kinda let down. I didn't think it was all that good as the reviews are making it out to be. It seemed really cheesy at some parts.

Bulgar Trev

New Member
I watched Crank 2 : High Voltage a few days ago, and i really recommend that. A little fast but still very good. I also watched "Demons and Angels" (or was it "Angels and Demons"?) and that was the complete opposite of what i thought it was gonna be, i wouldn't recommend it, but if you're into religious stuff then go ahead.