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"I watched this film today and I recommend/don't recommend it."


New Member
Up by pixar was one of the best i have seen in recent times.Highly recommend it.


Just got back from watching Terminator 4. It didn't really measure up with the previous films and Christian Bale sounded like he was on 1000 cigarettes a day every single time he spoke. Needless to say, that was annoying.


New Member
Terminator Salvation: The best straight up action movie you'll see for a while.
Spartacus: An absolute triumph. An epic beyond comparison. Very few films are as good.
Young Guns: A fun but shallow western with a more modern feel.


New Member
Well if a while is one week then you're absolutely right. Bring on Transformers 2 tbh.

Sorry, not a Transformers fan, made too many attempts to target the teenage market and inject lame jokes, but who knows what the new one will be like.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
I saw Terminator: Salvation yesterday and liked it. The part towards the ends with [BLACKOUT]the model of Arnold Schwarzenegger[/BLACKOUT] really surprised me and made me laugh when the other people in the theater didn't. I'd say that anyone who is a fan of the past films and action should definitely see it if they haven't yet. There was only like one or two "issues" that confused me, however once I figured them out it was okay.


Meta Moose
I saw Terminator: Salvation yesterday and liked it. The part towards the ends with [BLACKOUT]the model of Arnold Schwarzenegger[/BLACKOUT] really surprised me and made me laugh when the other people in the theater didn't. I'd say that anyone who is a fan of the past films and action should definitely see it if they haven't yet. There was only like one or two "issues" that confused me, however once I figured them out it was okay.

Yeah that bit made me laugh too. I haven't seen the Terminator films recently so I didn't really understand any ties with the previous films it had, but I could get the gist.

Christian Bale was good throughout the film, but the film itself wasn't exceptional so neither was his performance. If he hadn't of been in it then I would imagine that it might have been rather mundane.

I would recommend going to see it, it's one of those 'must-see' films. Worth the watch but nothing special


New Member
In Bruges: Amazing. Just watch it.
28 Days Later: Probably the best zombie-related film out there, but it's just... weird.
Tropic Thunder: From the opening trailers to the credits, it's hilarious imo.


That Guy I Am
Star Trek, I hated the series but I was forced into it. Now I'm a Trekkie and I've seen all 10 of the old movies (skip number 1, 3, 5, insurrection and nemesis)


eXo Staff
Star trek gets you like that, i bought s1-7 of voyager an dwatched the lot in 5 weeks.

Thats bad :)


Vanilla Sex
I just watched this movie called "Spun". It's about these strung out meth heads.
I recommend it. It's insane