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"I watched this film today and I recommend/don't recommend it."


I watched Matchstick Men a few days ago, and whether it was the fact that i haven't watched a solid movie in nearly a year making my expectations low, or some other reason, i enjoyed it. Although im not a fan of Cage, it still went well.

you should se Cage in Adaptation. he is awsome in that one.

anyway, saw About Schmidt today and it was a really cute little movie. Very alike Broken Flowers with alot of deadpan humor. really nice.


I watched Matchstick Men a few days ago, and whether it was the fact that i haven't watched a solid movie in nearly a year making my expectations low, or some other reason, i enjoyed it. Although im not a fan of Cage, it still went well.

I loved it. The twists were great, and the writing was excellent. Too bad Cage doesn't do good movies anymore.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Went to the midnight screening of Bruno. The movie is over-the-top hilarious, it one-ups Borat in every way. More outrageous than Borat even touched on. It's a little short maybe doesn't keep you laughing as much as Borat did, but some of the stuff he does will just have you in disbelief.


you should se Cage in Adaptation. he is awsome in that one.

Ill look into it, the summary sounded semi-interesting.

I loved it. The twists were great, and the writing was excellent. Too bad Cage doesn't do good movies anymore.

I dont watch too many of his movies so idk, the only movies i know that hes been in recently are the National Treasures and i havent seen them.


just saw a wonderful film! The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency! my sister have read all the books and she forced me to watch the film. didnt really expect that much but it was very good and the setting in Africa is awsome. i really recomend this film!



I dont watch too many of his movies so idk, the only movies i know that hes been in recently are the National Treasures and i havent seen them.

The first National Treasure was decent. The second one was complete crap.

Just saw Up last night. Amazing movie, the story was very well written and the voice acting was great. I need to see it in 3D. :p

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
I watched Knowing a couple nights ago.

The whole movie is a bit off putting and kind of creepy I guess. The ending is absolutely fucking retarded. Do not watch.

Ninja Edit: I second that motion, stay away from this movie


New Member
You really can't reccomend Public Enemies to anyone. IMO it's a great movie, but reactions to it are very mixed.

Best thing to do to decide if you'd like it is to watch Heat, just to get an idea of Micheal Mann's style. If you like Heat, you might like Public Enemies.


Drop The Gun
Adventureland - ...wtf I thought this was supposed to be a comedy, it was all serious and not very funny.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
Adventureland - ...wtf I thought this was supposed to be a comedy, it was all serious and not very funny.
ROFL!. That's the same thing I thought when I first saw it. Advertising was misleading. It wasn't terrible for what it was, but I probably wouldn't willingly watch it again.


Shockingly Delicious
Despite the warnings I watched Knowing. It started off as a decent film, than wtf. If your the type of person that falls asleep halfway through a movie, you may enjoy it.


New Member
Saw Moon today...it was alright at best....

In my opinion, the best part of the movie was Gerty's faces, which is why I'm changing my avatar as follows.


Watched quite a few movies, but never recommended them here.

Office Space - Hilarious movie, it's a classic that everyone should watch.

Idiocracy - It's a hilarious movie that has a concept that's so true and makes you think. Some of the humor is childish, but I think that's the point; it IS a movie about idiots, after all.

The Royal Tenenbaums - One of my favorite films. It's a dark comedy that focuses on a strange family's reunion (if you can call it that) by the cause of a huge lie by the exiled father.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - It's a pretty good movie. It doesn't stay very true to the book, though, and some of the effects and humor are a bit low-quality. Zooey Deschanel did a great job though. She looked great in shorts. :blush:

Pleasantville - It's a movie with a basic concept, yet I really enjoyed it. It had great characters and hinted and touched upon an old issue: racism.


Los Doyers!
Saw Bruno today. Was a hilarious movie. Had me laughing alot throughout the film. Only disappointing thing was it was kinda short.


I'm not dead
Watched quite a few movies, but never recommended them here.

Office Space - Hilarious movie, it's a classic that everyone should watch.

Idiocracy - It's a hilarious movie that has a concept that's so true and makes you think. Some of the humor is childish, but I think that's the point; it IS a movie about idiots, after all.

The Royal Tenenbaums - One of my favorite films. It's a dark comedy that focuses on a strange family's reunion (if you can call it that) by the cause of a huge lie by the exiled father.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - It's a pretty good movie. It doesn't stay very true to the book, though, and some of the effects and humor are a bit low-quality. Zooey Deschanel did a great job though. She looked great in shorts. :blush:

Pleasantville - It's a movie with a basic concept, yet I really enjoyed it. It had great characters and hinted and touched upon an old issue: racism.
Agree with all of them. Idiocracy was absolutely hilarious.

I went and saw My Sister's Keeper on saturday. It's not really something I would recommend but is an outstanding film. Only reason I wouldn't recommend it is that you will cry so much it hurts, and if you don't cry you'll feel like an insensitive prick walking out of a cinema full of people with red eyes. It's so deep and graphic, really covers the experiences of coping with cancer well, something I've never seen before and in all honesty I will never see again. It's such a sad film, shame that it's so well made really. Was actually pretty weird seeing it in the cinema, you could tell if everyone else was crying at the same time as you because the sniffing started and bags started rustling with people looking for tissues.


Saw Bruno today. Was a hilarious movie. Had me laughing alot throughout the film. Only disappointing thing was it was kinda short.

I've been seeing so many reviews by people. None of them are in the middle.
They either HATED it with a passion, or LOVED it to death.

Kind of strange...just saying..