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Killzone 2

user friendly

New Member
Did you go at midnight last night? I just grabbed a copy a few minutes ago at lunch.

Ditto, I didn't feel like staying up late and then having to get up early. Plus I had a $50 GC for EBgames from Christmas.

Still a few hours until I get home and even then I probably won't be on until later. I think I'm going through SP first before I get hooked on MP anyway.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I'll probably fire it up tomorrow as well for real. I may dick around with it for a few minutes after work, but I'm going out boozing tonight.


New Member
Just got it, managed to do the first 2 missions and have a few rounds of multiplayer. I'm kinda annoyed that Killzone 2 has followed Warhawk style multiplayer menu's instead of COD's brilliant ones. But atleast you can join friends games without having to be invited.

The attention to detail is crazy too, especially when you come one on one with someone

A patch has just been put up now too, 16mb's.


For the Helghast!
Is anyone else getting a little bug where if you lean out of cover, hold down aim and shoot until empty the guy will start popping in and out of cover without you doing anything? (Alt 2 control btw)


Active Member
So how's the online? Laggy?

I'm planning on getting this first thing tomorrow. Anyone want to set up a MfM clan?


MD Party Room
I wish my copy would ship already...


Shockingly Delicious
I got my copy from eb this morning, and my $0.01 killzone touqe from amazon also came in today, but I wont be able to see any of them until I get back to my house sunday afternoon


New Member
A bunch of my friends just got it today, and I'm literally the only one still deciding on whether to get this game or not.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Haha, I there's sort of an easter egg I noticed. One time when I died, my squadmate yelled "Sav? SAAAAAVVVVV?!!!!" exactly like in Metal Gear. I thought this was pretty cool.


New Member
I noticed that too.

I was speaking to Nevada the other day, he told me some cool tips;

If you put on your headset and are speaking a character is speaking to you and you walk away, the voice becomes faint in your headset. Also, if your using a sniper rifle and you literally hold your breath, your character does too.

If thats not awesome, i dont know what is.


New Member
I'm stuck on a part of the game? Can anyone help?

[BLACKOUT]Basically, i've reached the point where your in the desert and you have to run back and save the rest of your squad, who are with that scientist chick that are being attacked by those insects. So i'm running back and the door to this building opens, helghasts run out. So i kill them all, run in and look all around the place (theres tons of stair cases) and the only place it leads to is a door that is locked! (has red button). What on earth do i do?![/BLACKOUT]

edit, worked it out. i was going in the wrong direction