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Killzone 2

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I wasn't that impressed with the online to be honest with you. You fight the controls more than you do the other players. From what I've played so far, I'd much rather invest time in R2 or CoD4.

That opinion might change after some more time.


For the Helghast!
You fight the controls more than you do the other players.

I understand what you are saying there, it doesn't seem as fast as COD4 to me, it's still fun and nothing terrible about online but I'm not too sold on the controls either.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
It's like, there's a guy that I saw first, let me shoot him. Oh wait, I just fell short on getting the crosshairs on him, let me try again. Shit, I just over shot him because he moved.

Awesome, some ran up and shot me in the back of the head with a pistol since I was trying to aim for 5 seconds.


Suck It
I notice that when someone is running across the screen, there's no way I'm going to be able to hit him while he's in motion. Once he stops moving though then I can get him. It's frustrating sometimes


For the Helghast!
It's like, there's a guy that I saw first, let me shoot him. Oh wait, I just fell short on getting the crosshairs on him, let me try again. Shit, I just over shot him because he moved.

Awesome, some ran up and shot me in the back of the head with a pistol since I was trying to aim for 5 seconds.

Almost reminds me of the first time I went on MGS4 Online, everyone was running/walking/crawling around each other trying to shoot/stab the other person but failing, just this isn't as bad.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
I wasn't that impressed with the online to be honest with you. You fight the controls more than you do the other players. From what I've played so far, I'd much rather invest time in R2 or CoD4.

That opinion might change after some more time.

I would say it just takes some getting used to. I think one of the reasons I like it so much is that I had a large chunk of time, like 5 hours where I just played the game and really got used to it. One piece of advice would be don't zoom in unless you absolutely have to.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
I notice that when someone is running across the screen, there's no way I'm going to be able to hit him while he's in motion. Once he stops moving though then I can get him. It's frustrating sometimes

Huh?! I dunno, it must be a lot different than the beta. I guess I can't really say anything until I actually play it, but on the map called... "Academy" or something like that, I could slaughter someone running across the courtyard quite easily with the right weapon.

I think you guys just need to get used to it. Too much time was spent by you playing COD4.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
@PSPHax0r9 - Shooting from the hip just sprays bullets all over the place though. You even see your crosshairs get gigantic on screen. How is that effective?


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Shooting from the hip just sprays bullets all over the place though. You even see your crosshairs get gigantic on screen. How is that effective?

Crouch if you're stationary. If not, sprint in their general direction, but like I said, it'll just take some time for you guys to get used to it.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Shooting from the hip just sprays bullets all over the place though. You even see your crosshairs get gigantic on screen. How is that effective?

I can't explain, I just got really good with it. The spray area isn't as large as it seems, as I was still able to be pretty accurate with it, or at least accurate enough to kill the other person before they killed me almost every time.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I can't explain, I just got really good with it. The spray area isn't as large as it seems, as I was still able to be pretty accurate with it, or at least accurate enough to kill the other person before they killed me almost every time.

Don't get me wrong, I did that a couple of times in close quarters situations, but at a distance, you need to look down your scope or iron sights. I'm going to keep playing it, but I don't like seeing someone first and having them react to me shooting and turn and kill me. I enjoy the type of FPS where if you react first, you've won.


Suck It
I just finished the single player campaign. It really is an excellent game, I enjoyed it from start to finish.

I see what you guys mean by the last little bit taking some time. I swear I must've died at least 20 times. You know a game is good when it has you yelling out "FUCK", "WHAT THE FUCK", and "SHIT!" lol

user friendly

New Member

Shooting in short bursts is much more effective in KZ2, it's near impossible otherwise, unless at close range. The recoil makes it a much different style of play than R2 or COD4.


Logic :(
Abe when shooting quickly crouch and fire off a short burst (let go of crouch, strafe repeat.) Deadly effective close corners combat. Everything gets easier the more you level.


New Member
I'm harsh missing out on the fun. My friends keep messaging me saying "Let's play some KZ2, oh you don't have it".

Fucking bastards, HAHAHA.


Los Doyers!
Games that are good are normally frustrating to me.
That is how I was with Gears and Cod4 lol


New Member
I'm on chapter three right now and love it. Veteran is a perfect difficulty, and the AI is great.

I haven't touched online yet, but plan to later today. How long does it usually take to unlock classes?

I agree and disagree. The enemy AI is brilliant on harder difficulties, but your actual team AI is still god awful. I haven't actually gone through a single mission where I haven't had to revive my friend over and over again.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
I agree and disagree. The enemy AI is brilliant on harder difficulties, but your actual team AI is still god awful. I haven't actually gone through a single mission where I haven't had to revive my friend over and over again.

So true >_<. I beat it on Veteran without too much difficulty...except for the last part. My God that was awful. It would have been so much easier if my AI buddy could stay alive to actually cover one of my sides :-/