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Killzone 2

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I'm having a bitch of a time getting the trophy for killing five people with one frag and a few other weapon specific ones.

Edit - Got the frag one. There's an ideal spot later on in the game. Only took a couple of attempts.


I noticed that too.

I was speaking to Nevada the other day, he told me some cool tips;

If you put on your headset and are speaking a character is speaking to you and you walk away, the voice becomes faint in your headset. Also, if your using a sniper rifle and you literally hold your breath, your character does too.

If thats not awesome, i dont know what is.

Thats amazing :w00t:


Logic :(
I've been playing online for around 7 hours now. I have just began to play the campaign. Very addicting multiplayer has kept me away.


I am thinking of buying it, I know it got a 9.something by IGN, but what would you guys rate it out of 10?


Suck It
10 for sure. This game is fucking amazing I fucking love it uh uh uh oh yah. Fuck yes this game is great I love the gameplay the fastpaceness the amazingness. Both singleplayer AND multiplayer are great. I'm going to enjoy using up many of my hours on this game!!!!~!


New Member
I'd have this game if I wasn't working a rediculous schedule at my jobs. I'm off on Monday though, I think... If any body wants to play, hit me up, I should be playing all day.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I beat the campaign last night, the last battle was annoying as fuck. It was really good but I have a few complaints, mostly story related.

The story was good, but the main character you were playing was too disconnected from it. You were basically just playing as a grunt who took orders. There was no back story to explain how the war personally affected him or anything along those lines happening, and there should have been. (Maybe there was from the other Killzones, but I never played them.)

Visari...he has a money opening to the game and then you really only get to see more of his personality after you set the controller down and start watching the ending. If you are going to hire Brian Cox to do some voice acting, use him throughout the game. Only in that last scene does he describe the brutal and animalistic nature of his people and what his role is.

The other character related gripe was that main guy in your squad with the humongous nose. (His name escapes me at the moment.) He looked like the bastard son of Triple H and Joe Camel. I just couldn't stop thinking about Triple H and Joe Camel whenever he was on screen and it annoyed me to no end.

I played with the default controls just to get used to them and they worked OK, but there was a learning curve of about 30 minutes to an hour for me. I dabbled online for a few minutes, but haven't had time to sit down and level up or anything. I should get some time today.


New Member
I'm doing the campaign on Veteran mode and its making me go mad. Seriously.

I'm on the part[BLACKOUT]where your on a train thats moving forward a nd theres a tank at the end firing at you and waves of helghans running at you. I can blow up the tank in time and kill the first wave, but the secound wave always kills me![/BLACKOUT]

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I'm doing the campaign on Veteran mode and its making me go mad. Seriously.

I'm on the part[BLACKOUT]where your on a train thats moving forward a nd theres a tank at the end firing at you and waves of helghans running at you. I can blow up the tank in time and kill the first wave, but the secound wave always kills me![/BLACKOUT]

That was one of the parts where I was trying to kill five people with frags, so I know exactly where you're at. [BLACKOUT]To be honest, I just sat back and killed the first wave from a distance, then ran up to grab the rocket launcher. Took care of the tank. Then rocketed the last wave of enemies. There's enough ammo to shoot six rockets I think. Anytime I was overwhelmed, I either tossed grenades like a madman, or took out the knife and went Turok on them in between sprinting.[/BLACKOUT]


New Member
That was one of the parts where I was trying to kill five people with frags, so I know exactly where you're at. [BLACKOUT]To be honest, I just sat back and killed the first wave from a distance, then ran up to grab the rocket launcher. Took care of the tank. Then rocketed the last wave of enemies. There's enough ammo to shoot six rockets I think. Anytime I was overwhelmed, I either tossed grenades like a madman, or took out the knife and went Turok on them in between sprinting.[/BLACKOUT]

Ah i see. Is the knife instant kill? Anyway, theres a really easy way to deal with the first wave, just run behind the boxes and lob a grenade. Its annoying how they get dragged back towards you because of the wind.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Goddamnit, I am stuck at the last part of the campaign I think, [BLACKOUT]where you're in that room and you have to get to the second floor and waves of enemies are coming at you.[/BLACKOUT] I've spent about 3 hours solely on this section and still can't beat it.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
Goddamnit, I am stuck at the last part of the campaign I think, [BLACKOUT]where you're in that room and you have to get to the second floor and waves of enemies are coming at you.[/BLACKOUT] I've spent about 3 hours solely on this section and still can't beat it.

Yeah, you're pretty close to the end. [BLACKOUT]Once it says get to the second floor to secure a spot, just sprint up the side stairs that open up and run to the opposite end of where Radec is. There are two weapons shelves fully stocked. From there, you need to just keep killing people. I opted for the grenade launcher and just shelled the fuck out of everyone from above. You'll have 48 rounds if you use both weapons shelves. Once the rocket launcher guys come out of both doors, you know you are close to the next checkpoint. It may not be the best move, but I grabbed the sniper rifle and ran to the left staircase. There is a chair there that you can hop on and crouch pretty safely from and see all of the rocket launcher guys. Pop up, snipe, crouch. Once you kill some, a chopper or something comes crashing through the window allowing you to get close to Radec and this is also another checkpoint. You've still got a little more to go before you fight solo with him, good luck.[/BLACKOUT]


MD Party Room


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Yeah, you're pretty close to the end.
Beat it! I didn't see this comment before, but thanks for the advice. [BLACKOUT]I opted to stay near one of the staircases with the assault rifle and pick people off that way and as they came up the stairs. Then I basically just took the grenade launcher and hist the rocket launch guys, ship burst through, and ran right at that back corner and took the rocket launch guys out quickly. I thought that the actual fight with Radec was extremely easy, I didn't even die once during it.[/BLACKOUT] I also really liked the ending.


Active Member
I'm on chapter three right now and love it. Veteran is a perfect difficulty, and the AI is great.

I haven't touched online yet, but plan to later today. How long does it usually take to unlock classes?


Quality Haxing Since 1991
I'm on chapter three right now and love it. Veteran is a perfect difficulty, and the AI is great.

I haven't touched online yet, but plan to later today. How long does it usually take to unlock classes?
A long time. This is a game that will take a lot of time investment to unlock everything.

The multiplayer is absolutely amazing, I was playing last night for hours and it's just indescribably perfect. One thing that you'll find out quickly, though, is that online there's no cover system.