• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

Not an official thread but...

I don't think you guys are grasping the idea here, tbh. You're talking about expanding on ideas that we already have. We need to think or something new to bring more traffic but none of the bad kind similar to the HEN phase of things.

For example, bring some ideas over that we don't have. Like a buy and sell section was already introduced. We could also add adding custom fonts for people. As for me, most people here should have a good basis on what's an annoying looking font and what's not. We need people to get a decent mindset that by posting here actively, you represent the site as a whole, not as a member.

We need a way for users to get educated on things, mostly the PSP and how it works. You can look anywhere and see the amount of idiocy that gets posted. People think some things work one way, when they don't work that way at all. All the people jumping on those people and calling them idiots aren't doing a justice either - it's horrible. I know it makes you look like you mean business and you don't like that person, but sometimes you need to brush off old dirt and move on; try helping them. Show them how it works and simply say no if they ask a dumb question.

The reason I hate this MDPR, is because this site doesn't necessarily restrict it. We have IRC, and the conversations there actually mean something and you can't get banned for raging. You will get put in your place for it, but you won't be banned. It also doesn't show true meaning when someone who is looking around the site sees that thread and sees what's being posted and finds it all stupid. How can you expect users to join when topics like that are being posted? On QJ you could do it back when since QJ was the central site for all gaming news and topics where active back then. It just adds a horrible mark to the site, and it should be closed, deleted, hidden, whatever.

Also, I don't know if it's still possible, but adding the old points system would be a dream. It made people feel like one part of QJ was a dream and people worked as a group to help people change their usernames, add color, and a array of other things. It was incredibly lame when Frozen gave someone a billion points for helping him with his homework, however. A way to make a record of who changed their name would also be nice, but thats pushing the envelope a little too far.

Now someone read this and review it, because I'm tired of trying to tell people this and nothing being done. MFM needs to be fixed, things are flawed. Also, I don't expect a regular to read this, as a tl;dr will follow. I want someone who cares about the site to read it.
Seems like the admins have a system that if they change someone's username they'll edit that post, and that makes sense now because they're the only ones who can change our usernames, but if we do get a points system in and changing username is an option, they yeah, we'll need an automated one.
Yay, points, yes :)
And a shop to buy cool for thems \o/ w/e it might be.... would just add some fun :)
The point system would be great. People who are helpful enough on this site will benefit this with the point shop. I think the whole point system would just give users what they want to control on their side, custom user colours, themes, etc.

I suppose your right about the MDPR. It never felt the same anyway.
Just to add on to the MDPR business. You guys said this wasn't going to be QJ 2.0 :/

It's just a chat thread, nothing abnormal in any forum. The only reason it is called MDPR is because of the large amount of QJ members we have on the forum. However, I do agree that we are pulling over a thread that is something which the forum is probably best without. It's already quite quiet and the conversation is deathly boring.

An idea I like the sound of is a tie between IRC and the forum, where a daily log is posted up in a [locked] thread.
I suppose your right about the MDPR. It never felt the same anyway.

You're right, i never remember such a large amount of people talking about cocking each other in the ass so much.
If people, yknow, stopped having conversations of that degree of idiocy, it would fare better.
There should be like a webcam supported chatroom ;|
No sound or anything.
I agree with the points idea. A shop to spend the points would be great too. (vbplaza, is that what it's called?)

I liked having that sort of system on QJ back when it wasn't struggling to live.