I freaked out needless to say,I had alot of stuff on my stick that was and is gone forever..
But what happened? I'm afraid to try the Nand dump again,but I've heard alot that it's a good idea to do..any feedback? X3? Hellcat????
I Know it was released litterally years ago. But MS MasteR was written for just this reason, I highly suggest you look into it. If you had already you would have a backup of your MS now.
PS MS MASTER only works on xp. I wrote it for people (like me) who insist on testing every thing that comes out. Its a good policy to test peoples applications, But even though all of the DEVs strive to make their code bug free, loss of something like MS data is an acceptable loss, mainly because it is so easily avoided.
Sorry for your loss of data bud, Please be more carefull to back up data before testing applications.
PS ever since idstorage...
if its possible to back data up b4 running a patcher (just about every thing has a backup option for things that are not more easily maintained by the user, ie nand backups)
I always do. Coding a backup utility takes time and effort and the devs wouldnt make it if they didnt think there was a reason to use it. We try to minimize the risk involved 50% of that is good testing, good code, the other 50% of it is following directions, and backing up your files (weather in the MS, or backing up bin files.) so if something goes wrong , and we all know from time to time it does, we give our selves (and the devs helping us ) the greatest chances of recovery.