New Member
@ Hellcat:
thanks for the update Hellcat! Kudos! :biggrin:
thanks for the update Hellcat! Kudos! :biggrin:
If I should understand this as a question, the answer would be "Yes" - as long as you don't have a 85v2 or newer mainboard....I'm using a fat battery in a slim so is it still posssible to make the battery pandora using this application.
A stick with DDCv4 + Tools + DDCv7 can be easiely made:Hi Hellcat,
I'm wondering if i can make a multi pandora ms with all ddc versions and how i can make it and how to use them like a tutoral if its possible.
Also I need to know if i can use a sony magicgate 8gb memory stick pro duo.
(re)download Rev4b and reinstall DDC (v7, in this case).But when I install Pandora Installer For 3.X Kernel Revision 4 and try to startup DDCv6 holding the "DOWN" button..... the green Power led turns on and immediately off. I just can't get it to work.
Thanks Hellcat, now i have a magic memory stick with DCv4+Tools, DCv5 (that I added manually), DCv7. Now i'm wondering if you could tell me how to manually add DCv3. I want to make a magic memory stick with this four DDC.