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Tiff Exploit - HEN Information

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New Member
There is a bug present in this release that may affect some people.

<@EvilSeph> This is what happens when you whine, joke and bitch about things not getting done - you rush development and bugs sneak by because all the testers are being pressured into completing their testing as fast as possible. Lesson learned, I hope.

Wait, so it's OUR fault that the testers were incompetent?

Playing devil's advocate is what helps get things done and an important part of the process.


Active Member
Thank Davee .
Can i now isntall CFW on may 3004 ?

No, HEN doesn't allow the installation of custom firmware due to limitations in the exploit.


New Member
I can boot into HEN just fine on my 3000 fw5.03... but whenever I try to run an app (emulators, picture viewer, etc...) the psp logo comes up and stays for a while, then the system shuts off.


I wanna run this HEN so bad but I have to update to 5.03 OFW..

I will update once my battery is charged :mad:.


New Member
Yuuuhhuuuuuuuuu...it wors...ahaaaaahaaaa...thank yOU VERY much....team TYphoon you are the greatest))))))))))))URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Seth's On A Boat.
Then it seems that some people should learn to ignore what others say and continue with their jobs in a correct fashion.

It isn't his job to do shit. He didn't have to spend his time on this, it's ungrateful bastards that whine and complain that screw it up. It's a free thing, he isn't making money off of this. He has no obligation to even fix this bug.


Can we please stop arguing....

This is a time to celebrate and be thankful HEN has arrived,not argue about whos fault it was that there is a bug..


New Member
when i download the link there is no chickhen folder just for the PHAT section just the eggsploit picture. is that suppose to be like that?


Try downloading it with another browser if only some folders appear.
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