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PC Tribal Wars - Our Tribe.


Active Member
Some guy got pissed and complained to his tribe because I scouted him >_>
MattewP40 said:
Hey man, whats going on? Scouting is an act of war btw. So just asking why you scouted one of my members? If its war id like to know. We definitly dont want war
Me said:
Just seeing what's around. Best to be prepared, right?
MatthewP40 said:
Yeah, just dont scout us again alright? we dont want trouble and im sure this early on you dont either. Even though we both know your friends can take us. Trouble brings nothing good really
The tribe is Guls. Honestly, I'm surprised that someone would complain about a simple scout.


Active Member
Some guy got pissed and complained to his tribe because I scouted him >_>

The tribe is Guls. Honestly, I'm surprised that someone would complain about a simple scout.

Wow, how many points do they have? I think all of us should lay off research and start building a shit load of troops for now so if we do go to war it won't be an issue.

1043 Guls 2.392 2.392 8 299 8 299

8 Members, ranked 200 slots below us, average of 299 points per player? I think we can take them as it is.


Active Member
All in favor for declaring war on this tribes leader?

He only has 644 points and seems like a complete idiot.

From their Tribe profile:

{About us}
We are a ancient barbaric tribe that demands to rule with an iron fist. Destroy all upon our axes.

Sounds like a challenge to me.


Active Member
I'm down with it. Anyone have catapults yet? It'd be funny to pound down their buildings to nothing.


count me in. send me an invite to
i just created the account about 5 or so minutes ago so do you have any tips for an easy start?


Active Member
Get your mines up right away, it's good to have a supply of resources you're guaranteed. Once they're to the point where you're comfortable, build up your barracks and make spears, then use those to raid barbarian villages.


can you send a invite or is that only for the tribe leader to do?

and thanks for the advice and reply



Active Member
Only Serideth can as far as I know. What are your cords? I have some resources I can spare to get you going.


i believe they are (282|323) K32

if that isn't right idk where to get them. :)

if im in the wrong world or whatever i'll make another account since i just started


Active Member
i believe they are (282|323) K32

if that isn't right idk where to get them. :)

if im in the wrong world or whatever i'll make another account since i just started

I think you did since I searched your name and nothing came up, are you sure you're in universe 31?


okay done.
coordinates [if it matters (276|800) K82]
and my username is tbb15

will i get a popup when i get the invite?
