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PC Tribal Wars - Our Tribe.


Active Member
Did you start taking down his buildings?


Active Member
You do, I have rams now. I'm not getting my points up anymore till I have 1,000 troops.

Same here. I really started needing the rams, with my current army I can't even handle a combination of 100 units without losses if they have walls, even though mine is about triple that.


Active Member
Fuck I just got attacked by a guy with 2k points, I beat him but with more losses. Also got this smart ass after I declined his invite to join his tribe:

Your tribe is weak and to far away to help you. It makes you look like a yummy farm. I need more resources so I guess you may as well quit.


Active Member
Is there any way to join attacks like in Ogame with this? I'm sure if we all band join our troops we can kill him. At the very least, reduce his buildings so he can't keep up troop production.


i can't seem to get the Barracks... where can i get barracks?
it doesn't show on the Graphical view or classical view, and it doesn't show in the HQ

And when will the tribe be back together?


is Over 9000
Is there any way to join attacks like in Ogame with this? I'm sure if we all band join our troops we can kill him. At the very least, reduce his buildings so he can't keep up troop production.

I'd be up for that, but as you can tell from that earlier report, I don't have a huge amount of troops. When everything's finished recruiting, I'll have 250 archers, 250 swordsman, and 100 light cavalry. 600 troops in all.

NOTE: The help system doesn't seem to provide any information on joint attacks. I don't think it's possible.


Active Member
About the joining another clan thing, is that really a good idea? Joining, then leaving in what will probably be about a week might make some people angry, prompting more issues. I've gotten alot of invites, so if you join a different one then I think that people won't take it as personally.