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100 push ups, are you up for it?


Bodybuilding Gamer
Another challenge I have seems to be with my wrists as they get really sore at the end (probably because of the hard surface I'm using, not sure).

As far as breathing goes, I've had no problem in that area, although I rarely have problems with breathing and exercising. It's been nearly 2 years since I've had any form of regular workout but I'm not finding myself winded like I thought I might've.
My breathing troubles are not due to being out of shape - I have been a swimmer for a long time and a runner since I joined the Army. I just cannot seem to get a good full breath going down and an exhale going up. It just seems like I'm so tense I can't breathe...

Also, as a Physical Therapist in training and based on videos, such as "Chest Workout: Pushups for the Complete Beginner" on Youtube, wrist pain or any joint pain is absolutely not good! You either need to make a fist and do your pushups that way (like PR0fessor), or invest in some pushup bars. Flat-handed pushups create a very unnatural angle in your wrists.

Thanks eldiablov and it's good to see the activity in this thread :) Very motivating!


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
My breathing troubles are not due to being out of shape - I have been a swimmer for a long time and a runner since I joined the Army. I just cannot seem to get a good full breath going down and an exhale going up. It just seems like I'm so tense I can't breathe...

Also, as a Physical Therapist in training and based on videos, such as "Chest Workout: Pushups for the Complete Beginner" on Youtube, wrist pain or any joint pain is absolutely not good! You either need to make a fist and do your pushups that way (like PR0fessor), or invest in some pushup bars. Flat-handed pushups create a very unnatural angle in your wrists.

Thanks eldiablov and it's good to see the activity in this thread :) Very motivating!

Yeah, I plan on using a push-up bar that I have (just never used it before). The wrist strain is only after long sessions and on hard surfaces but I'll try various other methods (including knuckle pushups which I know I can do)


Staff Member
Week1 Day 3
Set 1: 11 Complete
Set 2: 15 Complete
Set 3: 9 Complete
Set 4: 9 Complete
Set 5: 13+ Completed 15k


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I think I may re-do this week (week 3) next week. I had more difficulty with the last day (today) and am thinking that I would benefit more from repeating this week then struggling next week


Oldie moldie
Week 3 Day 3
Set 1: 22 - completed
Set 2: 30 - completed
Set 3: 20 - completed
Set 4: 20 - completed
Set 5: managed 31 push ups (least is 28).

Tomorrow, I am going to redo the initial test to check my improvement. :)


Week 1, Day 2
Set 1: 6 (Done)
Set 2: 8 (Done)
Set 3: 6 (Done)
Set 4: 6 (Done)
Set 5: Atleast 7 (Managed 13, Done!)

That one killed me, at the start my arms were still hurting from Day 1, after the first 6 I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it, crazy I beat my record with 13 on that last one.


User Not Found
Week 1 - Day 3
Set 1 - 8 - Done
Set 2 - 10 - Done
Set 3 - 7 - Done
Set 4 - 7 - Done
Set 5 - >10 - Done got: 14

I'll do the initial test tomorrow


I guess I'll start the initial test now and start the routine on Monday.

Initial test - 7, barely.


Week 1, Day 3
Set 1 - 11 (completed)
Set 2 - 15 (completed)
Set 3 - 9 (completed)
Set 4 - 9 (completed)
Set 5 - At least 13 (completed, 16)

It might have been because I skipped two days to do day three, but my arms felt terribly weak today. It was amazingly hard doing Set 2 and Set 3, but surprisingly, Sets 3 and 4 were easy enough.


Active Member
I'll have to move my test till the morning.

Just traveled across Ireland and back in a car in one day and I'm exhausted.


Week 2, day 1

Set 1: 14
Set 2: 14
Set 3: 10
Set 4: 10
Set 5: Min. 15 (Only did 12 ;_; )
Set 5 reattempt: Min. 15 (Did 15 :D)

I took a five minute break and tried Set 5 again, I did it, only just though.


Active Member
Push-ups Week 1, Day 2
Set 1: 10 (Complete)
Set 2: 12 (Complete)
Set 3: 8 (Complete)
Set 4: 8 (Complete)
Set 5: At least 12 (Complete, 14)

Sit-ups Week 1, Day 2 (to be posted this evening)
Set 1: 15 (Complete)
Set 2: 18 (Complete)
Set 3: 15 (Complete)
Set 4: 15 (Complete)
Set 5: At least 18 (Complete, 25)


New Member
BAH, kept forgetting to do it, think it's been about 3 days... I'll do the next one tomorrow to make up for it. Anyway,

Week 1 Day 3
Set 1: 11
Set 2: 15
Set 3: 9
Set 4: 9
Set 5: min 13, done 16


Oldie moldie
Week 4 Day 1
Set 1: 21 - completed
Set 2: 25 - completed
Set 3: 25 - completed
Set 4: 25 - completed
Set 5: managed 32 push ups (least is 32).

Wasn't able to do initial test yesterday. Gonna do it tomorrow in the rest day.


Week One Day One

Set 1: 6 Complete
Set 2: 6 Complete
Set 3: 4 Complete
Set 4: 4 Complete
Set 5: 5 Complete