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100 push ups, are you up for it?


Staff Member
Week2 Day1:
Set 1: 14 Complete
Set 2: 14 Complete
Set 3: 10 Complete
Set 4: 10 Complete
Set 5: 15+ did 18


Bodybuilding Gamer
I came down with the nastiest stomach flu of my life. I hope I can get back on my game for this last week - I'm shipping out for more Army training next Wednesday and I want to be ready!


Staff Member
Arms are nowhere near as sore as they were last Tuesday after Week1Day1. That's gotta be a good sign, right?


Week One Day Two

Set 1: 6 Complete
Set 2: 8 Complete
Set 3: 6 Complete
Set 4: 6 Complete
Set 5: 7 Complete

@Serideth and everyone: Sorry for joining so late, I've had exams and other stuff to worry about.


Sorry I've not been keeping up with this as I had planned. I'm probably gonna start as soon as possible. Last week I had Lyme disease and didn't feel like doing anything at all.


Suck It
I'm sort of the same way, I apologize for not following through with this as I had originally intended to.

I started up my summer job again last week and have been in complete pain ever since. I haven't done shit since Saturday and my body is still sore lol... My feet are riddled with blisters and literally my entire body is completely sore from head to toe. Push ups aren't exactly something I want to do in my free time right now... my body needs some healing time :blush:

Give me a week or two before my body starts to get used to the beating I'm giving it, and then I can start up this push up program


Staff Member
Week2 Day2

Set 1: 14 Complete
Set 2: 16 Complete
Set 3: 12 Complete
Set 4: 12 Complete
Set 5: 17+ Managed 22

Feeling pretty good about that.


Week2 Day2

Set 1: 14 Complete
Set 2: 16 Complete
Set 3: 12 Complete
Set 4: 12 Complete
Set 5: 13 and died

Couldn't keep up with it this time. Feeling pretty demoralised :|

I'm gonna do Day 3 on Friday and repeat Week 2 on Monday


Oldie moldie
Week 4 Day 2
Set 1: 25 - completed
Set 2: 29 - completed
Set 3: 25 - completed
Set 4: 25 - completed
Set 5: managed 36 push ups (least is 36).

I don't know but every time I push myself above the limit to compete the required push ups. It feels great when finished as if it puffed you up. :p


Active Member
Week 1 Day 3 Push-Ups
Set 1: 11 (Complete)
Set 2: 15 (Complete)
Set 3: 9 (Complete)
Set 4: 9 (Complete)
Set 5: At least 13 (Complete, 15)

Week 1 Day 3 Sit-Ups
Set 1: 17 (Complete)
Set 2: 22 (Complete)
Set 3: 14 (Complete)
Set 4: 14 (Complete)
Set 5: At least 20 (Complete, 24)


Funny Little Green Ghouls
Week 1 Day 3
Set 1: 8
Set 2: 10
Set 3: 7
Set 4: 7
Set 5: 12 (req: 10)

Week 2 Day 1
Set 1: 9
Set 2: 11
Set 3: 8
Set 4: 8
Set 5: 12 (req: 12)


Week 4 Day 2
Set 1: 25 - Done
Set 2: 29 - Done
Set 3: 25 - Done
Set 4: 25 - Done
Set 5: managed 43 (least is 36).

Pretty damn hard, feels good after yar!


Started this week a bit late.

Week 2 Day 1
Set 1: 14 - completed
Set 2: 14 - completed
Set 3: 10 - completed
Set 4: 10 - completed
Set 5: At least 15 - completed, 15

Holy fuck was it hard, I could barely do set 1. Too much time in between days is not good at all. I almost collapsed as soon as I did the first push-up in set 5, couldn't feel my arms. Hopefully I do better tomorrow, today was an exhausting day.