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100 push ups, are you up for it?


Bodybuilding Gamer
After being sick I resumed where I left off:
Week 2 Day 2

Set 1: 14 Complete
Set 2: 16 Complete
Set 3: 12 Complete
Set 4: 12 Complete
Set 5: At least 17 - Only did 12 :(

Everyone else seems to really be struggling with Week 2 Day 2. What is the best option if you fail a day? I think I'm going to try this day once more.


After being sick I resumed where I left off:
Week 2 Day 2

Set 1: 14 Complete
Set 2: 16 Complete
Set 3: 12 Complete
Set 4: 12 Complete
Set 5: At least 17 - Only did 12 :(

Everyone else seems to really be struggling with Week 2 Day 2. What is the best option if you fail a day? I think I'm going to try this day once more.

If I were in your position (which I am) I'd continue as scheduled, if day 3 is too much then repeat week 2.

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
week 4 day 2
minimum 36-45 done

I have been getting headaches lately and I think I pulled a muscle in my neck so I might take a break from this for a bit to let it heal


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Yeah, if you "fail" a day, I would recommend re-doing the week. I'm re-doing week 3 because I wasn't satisfied with my performance on the last day of last week.


Active Member
I have decided to redo week one myself, my arms need to still build up more and since I started with a lower number than most I think this is my best option.


New Member
Week 2 Day 2
Set 1: 14
Set 2: 16
Set 3: 12
Set 4: 12
Set 5: 17 (req: 17)

BARELY made it. I was hoping to beat my original 17 on set 5 but couldn't do it. But w00t, I'm on track.


Staff Member
Week2 Day3
Set 1: 16 Complete
Set 2: 17 Complete
Set 3: 14 Complete
Set 4: 14 Complete
Set 5: 20+ did 22

gunna try initial test again tomorrow


Funny Little Green Ghouls
Week 2 Day 3
Set 1: 12
Set 2: 13
Set 3: 10
Set 4: 10
Set 5: 15 (req: 15)

my arms almost collapsed on the 15th push up, can't believe I was able to do it.


Just did 2nd exhaustion test, was able to do 20 straight :)


Active Member
I've gotten behind because this weekend has been a bit chaotic. Looks like I'll just start week 2 on Monday, and get on a more routine schedule.


Staff Member
redid initial test, got 26. 25% improvement...not bad I guess...

I'll do Week3 Day1 later on today.


I'll be starting week 1 over tomorrow, Last Sunday I flew to Greece(my dad lives down here year round so I spend every summer here) and started working 2 days later. I forgot at first and then never got back into it. Anyway I plan to finish it, so I'm going to restart Week 1 tomorrow.


Oldie moldie
Week 4, Day 3
Set 1: 29 Complete
Set 2: 33 Complete
Set 3: 29 Complete
Set 4: 29 Complete
Set 5: 41 (least is 40)

New test result : 63


Did this two days ago

Week 4, Day 3
Set 1: 29 Done
Set 2: 33 Done
Set 3: 29 Done
Set 4: 29 Done
Set 5: 53 (least is 40)

Pretty well rested might go for another max today.. (nvm started week 5)


Week 5 Day 1

Set 1: 36 Done
Set 2: 40 Done
Set 3: 30 Done
Set 4: 24 Done
Set 5: 56 (least is 40)


Oldie moldie
Yeah, I did them yesterday (Sunday). My schedule is kinda corrupt now. My next day (Week 5, day 1) will be on Tuesday.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Missed my last day so I'm starting Week 3 yet again, my works schedule is crazy (never the same) so it's hard to get some quality time in (I'd rather not work out late at night like I might have to)