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Multi Modern Warfare 2


New Member
Well I have it for the PC! And its fucking awesome! Graphics are insane.


I finished the campaign the day it came out, but haven't played the multiplayer until now. This shit's fun. I love all the new weapons, perks, game modes, and I feel there's just so much more overall flexibility in this one.


Los Doyers!
Well the online gameplay is starting to get dumb.

People are doing the javalin glitch so its getting frustrating.
What it is, is basically you have a javalin out and when you die it shoots automatically and kills anyone around you, usually resulting in multi kills in small tight maps.

You have a Riot shield as primary to protect your back
Then Javalin as secondary
Put Throwing Knife and whatever secondary nades you want

Then for perks you do
Danger Close
Doesn't matter what kill streaks you have since your almost always gonna get a kill

Then at the begining of the match, you switch to your javalin.
Press and hold the RB button then press Y then release RB button. (Xbox360)

So it should put you back to your javalin and you just run around and knife people, then when you die, you cause a huge explosion and kill people near you.


Active Member
Infinity Ward has stated that they will ban people for performing this and are looking to patch as soon as possible, so hopefully it does get fixed soon. I have seen a few people exploiting this, but it hasn't been too awful.


Well the online gameplay is starting to get dumb.

People are doing the javalin glitch so its getting frustrating.
What it is, is basically you have a javalin out and when you die it shoots automatically and kills anyone around you, usually resulting in multi kills in small tight maps.

You have a Riot shield as primary to protect your back
Then Javalin as secondary
Put Throwing Knife and whatever secondary nades you want

Then for perks you do
Danger Close
Doesn't matter what kill streaks you have since your almost always gonna get a kill

Then at the begining of the match, you switch to your javalin.
Press and hold the RB button then press Y then release RB button. (Xbox360)

So it should put you back to your javalin and you just run around and knife people, then when you die, you cause a huge explosion and kill people near you.

I was just playing a Demoltion match earlier, and a guy on the other team was doing exactly this...I thought he was just good with the Javelin and Riot Shield ;_;


Bleh, was just playing team deathmatch and it seems all people could do was use the Javelin glitch :\


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I was just playing a Demoltion match earlier, and a guy on the other team was doing exactly this...I thought he was just good with the Javelin and Riot Shield ;_;

I encountered it for the first time last night, granted I caught on quickly and just killed him from afar. It definitely pissed me off the first few times it happened to me because I was on the verge of my first killstreak (at 7 kills).

And just a few matches ago I ran into someone running around the entire map knifing everyone, although he seemed to move faster than anyone I've seen before and looked like he was holding a flashbang when knifing people, not sure if that is a glitch or not (could've been C4, I don't remember). I sure hope IW will patch up the glitches sooner rather than later.

EDIT: Just google'd it and it is true, the guy was using his care package grenade and while holding it down moved much faster than before ( How to sprint really fast - CODGlitch.com - Modern Warfare 2 ... )


Los Doyers!
I encountered it for the first time last night, granted I caught on quickly and just killed him from afar. It definitely pissed me off the first few times it happened to me because I was on the verge of my first killstreak (at 7 kills).

And just a few matches ago I ran into someone running around the entire map knifing everyone, although he seemed to move faster than anyone I've seen before and looked like he was holding a flashbang when knifing people, not sure if that is a glitch or not (could've been C4, I don't remember). I sure hope IW will patch up the glitches sooner rather than later
You don't have to use the throwing knife, you can have c4 and stuff and you can use the at4 and stinger instead of javalin.

But yeah, yesterday ran into a couple people, then today was just awful. He probably had the perk where you run fast instead of danger close.
IW said they are fixing the patch and as soon as its done it will be rushed to Microsoft and Sony for certification.


New Member
Finished the campaign today. I'm happy with it, one of the most fun SP games I've played in a while. Story wise... it's... OK. I liked it, but it was too far out to make much sense.
So I went into MP for the first time. 15 minutes trying to get in the game, repeated fails. Got into a game, host migration failed. Another 5 minutes and I just managed to get into a Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro match. Fun, but:
1. Predator missiles are overpowered
3. It's way too hard to get used to the game. I got a 3:10 k:d in my first match. First match, I know, but honestly? I was in a match with people on up to 3rd prestige on my first match. If they're going to make a matchmaking service, is this honestly the best they can do?


Active Member
1) Predator missles are not really all that overpowered.
2) What's wrong with the EMP? It ordinarily takes 15 killstreak to get, or you can get it from a supply drop, but that's RARE.
3) Call of Duty games have never matched you based on level. Why? I'm not entirely sure. So I'll give you credit on that one.


It's just a matter of time, obviously you're going to do crap on your first round, you'll get used to it and be owning like CoD4 in no time.


Los Doyers!
Finished the campaign today. I'm happy with it, one of the most fun SP games I've played in a while. Story wise... it's... OK. I liked it, but it was too far out to make much sense.
So I went into MP for the first time. 15 minutes trying to get in the game, repeated fails. Got into a game, host migration failed. Another 5 minutes and I just managed to get into a Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro match. Fun, but:
1. Predator missiles are overpowered
3. It's way too hard to get used to the game. I got a 3:10 k:d in my first match. First match, I know, but honestly? I was in a match with people on up to 3rd prestige on my first match. If they're going to make a matchmaking service, is this honestly the best they can do?
Predators are not overpowered.
EMP is rare and not much a big deal.
Rank don't mean much. Once you know the maps good enough and you have the weapons you like, its basically a even playing field.