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Multi Modern Warfare 2


Active Member
Probably because it can put you into a game much faster, as it doesn't have to search for players of your skill level.

But with all the people playing, it honestly wouldn't take that long to find similar skill leveled players in all honest, but yes I see your point.
Predator's aren't OP, but I agree the red-box targeting does give it an edge over the Precision Airstrike. You've also got to account that you're vulnerable while using it, so that's one of it's cons.

Currently, I'm running with Predator -> Attack Helicopter -> Chopper Gunner. I'm a bit of a run-and-gunner, so I stick with these low-ish streaks. Personally, I prefer aiming for Chopper Gunner over the tactical nuke, simply because 1) I cannot hit high killstreaks often, and 2) Chopper Gunner is way more fun.


Los Doyers!
Predator's aren't OP, but I agree the red-box targeting does give it an edge over the Precision Airstrike. You've also got to account that you're vulnerable while using it, so that's one of it's cons.

Currently, I'm running with Predator -> Attack Helicopter -> Chopper Gunner. I'm a bit of a run-and-gunner, so I stick with these low-ish streaks. Personally, I prefer aiming for Chopper Gunner over the tactical nuke, simply because 1) I cannot hit high killstreaks often, and 2) Chopper Gunner is way more fun.
I am a run and gunner myself and I go with

Harrier Airstrike
Chopper Gunner
Tactical Nuke

I've gotten 1 nuke so far but I came damn close to more but either time ran out or we won/lost before I could get the last couple.


New Member
2) What's wrong with the EMP? It ordinarily takes 15 killstreak to get, or you can get it from a supply drop, but that's RARE.
I saw 3 EMP in one game. One against us, two on our side. All were from supply drop. It's an awesome killstreak and I like it, but three in one game?

And red-box targeting does make the predator OP, I was watching my cousin play and he could often rack up three kills in one blast with the predator, do some run-and-gunning, then get chopper gunner and take even more. It's far too easy to hit multiple targets.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I saw 3 EMP in one game. One against us, two on our side. All were from supply drop. It's an awesome killstreak and I like it, but three in one game?

And red-box targeting does make the predator OP, I was watching my cousin play and he could often rack up three kills in one blast with the predator, do some run-and-gunning, then get chopper gunner and take even more. It's far too easy to hit multiple targets.

theres a perk that makes yo invisible so no red boxes appear and it is really easy t scatter at the sight of a predator missle or hide from it


New Member
Yup, It's wayy to easy to blow anything out of the sky (i personally use the lock on rocket, but I do think its unfair)
It makes it almost pointless to get a heli
The Attack Helicopter needs flares as well TBH, to allow it to have some edge over the Harrier Strike. Also remember, you can bypass flares if you fire dumb (no-lock) or if you team up with someone and lauch two simulataneously. Don't disregard your weapons either, espescially with Stopping Power Pro, concentrated fire can take down an Apache pretty quick.


The Attack Helicopter needs flares as well TBH, to allow it to have some edge over the Harrier Strike. Also remember, you can bypass flares if you fire dumb (no-lock) or if you team up with someone and lauch two simulataneously. Don't disregard your weapons either, espescially with Stopping Power Pro, concentrated fire can take down an Apache pretty quick.
Which ones do have flares? I never even noticed...


Los Doyers!
The AC130 has flares.

When you shoot at it, flares will shoot out causing the rocket to not hit the ac130.


New Member
Got nuked in two consecutive games. Can't say I'm too happy with that killstreak :p
On the plus side, Domination is fun and linking up with friends is really easy. Should unlock HQ soon, that was my favourite of COD4's modes...
What's the difference between HQ and HQ Pro?


I have to say that I fucking love the third person modes on here, especial third person demolition.