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Multi Modern Warfare 2


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I liked the 3rd person a good amount. Felt like GRAW, and GRAW owns. (At least in my opinion.)

It definitely added a different feeling to the game and requires slightly different strategy (mainly peeking around corners is the main one). One map I absolutely hate though is Rust, hated it when they added it to the Team Deathmatch playlist too. Burst-fire guns seem to be the best choice on third-person as well, which suited my classes well

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
It definitely added a different feeling to the game and requires slightly different strategy (mainly peeking around corners is the main one). One map I absolutely hate though is Rust, hated it when they added it to the Team Deathmatch playlist too. Burst-fire guns seem to be the best choice on third-person as well, which suited my classes well

So they did change the playlists?

That explains why I get those oversized team deathmatch levels on free-for-all now.
this is what happens when i return after a hiatus.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
That fucking Javelin glitch is obnoxious. I must have had about 20 killstreaks stopped by it in a few hours today.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
That fucking Javelin glitch is obnoxious. I must have had about 20 killstreaks stopped by it in a few hours today.

Agreed, the patch is already out for the PC and PS3 though, stupid microsoft taking their time with the certification process. A few people were saying how it's annoying because they get a lot of kills from it but that's not the annoying part about it, it's when you get killed right before a killstreak after you kill the guy, seems like everytime I encounter someone with that glitch I'm on 4 kills about to get my predator missile.

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
Agreed, the patch is already out for the PC and PS3 though, stupid microsoft taking their time with the certification process. A few people were saying how it's annoying because they get a lot of kills from it but that's not the annoying part about it, it's when you get killed right before a killstreak after you kill the guy, seems like everytime I encounter someone with that glitch I'm on 4 kills about to get my predator missile.

I havnt run itno anyone using the glitch yet


I'm so fucking sick of campers, there's always 2 in a match you go into.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I feel very strongly that they dumbed down the MP component and made it easier for the players lacking skill. They have rewarded people who suck by giving them the tools to make the game easier with things like the heartbeat sensor and the thermal scopes.

These should have been used for a Perk 2 slot.

I fucking hate having to set up all my classes with Coldblooded and Ninja, just to counteract these fucking backseat players. Each map they scramble to the furthest reaches of the playable field and try to pick people off with their thermal scopes.

I hate having to waste the valuable second Perk slot on making the game more playable for how it used to be played.


No one said I was bad, and I memorized most of them its just that, thats the objective now, go and find campers and kill them. Gets boring really quick.

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
I feel very strongly that they dumbed down the MP component and made it easier for the players lacking skill. They have rewarded people who suck by giving them the tools to make the game easier with things like the heartbeat sensor and the thermal scopes.

I actually prefer not to use the heartbeat sensor it distracts me to much

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I feel very strongly that they dumbed down the MP component and made it easier for the players lacking skill. They have rewarded people who suck by giving them the tools to make the game easier with things like the heartbeat sensor and the thermal scopes.

These should have been used for a Perk 2 slot.

I fucking hate having to set up all my classes with Coldblooded and Ninja, just to counteract these fucking backseat players. Each map they scramble to the furthest reaches of the playable field and try to pick people off with their thermal scopes.

I hate having to waste the valuable second Perk slot on making the game more playable for how it used to be played.
I like the thermal scope even though I rarely use it. but I don't bother with the heartbeat sensor.

My biggest problem with the game is I hate roughly half of the maps. I can't wait for a map pack.


I hate Estate and Quarry, the rest are fine imo. My favorite map is probably Favela, I love playing domination or demolition on there.


Staff Member
Estate isn't bad. The only map that I actually hate is Terminal.

I haven't played MP that much but I liked terminal. The one map I don't like is the plane graveyard one. It's waaaaay too cramped and small.