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Multi Modern Warfare 2

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I think I'm only going to play Hardcore modes moving forward. I started playing them after my earlier post and my hate for this game subsided.


Staff Member
Is Rust the one at the oilrig/in the desert? Haven't played it I think.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I feel very strongly that they dumbed down the MP component and made it easier for the players lacking skill. They have rewarded people who suck by giving them the tools to make the game easier with things like the heartbeat sensor and the thermal scopes.

These should have been used for a Perk 2 slot.

I fucking hate having to set up all my classes with Coldblooded and Ninja, just to counteract these fucking backseat players. Each map they scramble to the furthest reaches of the playable field and try to pick people off with their thermal scopes.

I hate having to waste the valuable second Perk slot on making the game more playable for how it used to be played.

Agreed, I get killed many times by it when I'm in a location where they normally could not see me or make me out (but I could make them out) and I pick those spots for reasons but with the thermal it's plain as day.

I use the heartbeat sensor myself on two maps (Afghan and Wasteland) since those two maps don't really require my use of FMJ and. Although I must say I hate it when I feel like I'm safe, in a nice hiding spot and am waiting for a guy to come in the door but he realizes I'm there from the heartbeat and is prepared for me (usually a grenade comes first then he charges in).

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I played Hardcore S & D and Hardcore Deathmatch with this setup and it felt a lot like CoD4.

Bling - Silenced with Red Dot


Champion of the Sun
Agreed, I get killed many times by it when I'm in a location where they normally could not see me or make me out (but I could make them out) and I pick those spots for reasons but with the thermal it's plain as day.

I use the heartbeat sensor myself on two maps (Afghan and Wasteland) since those two maps don't really require my use of FMJ and. Although I must say I hate it when I feel like I'm safe, in a nice hiding spot and am waiting for a guy to come in the door but he realizes I'm there from the heartbeat and is prepared for me (usually a grenade comes first then he charges in).

I'm annoyed at the thermals too, but it's good to see they are making it difficult for you camping.


I played Hardcore S & D and Hardcore Deathmatch with this setup and it felt a lot like CoD4.

Bling - Silenced with Red Dot
I use that setup a lot except with stopping power instead of cold blooded. The FAL resembles the G3 from CoD4 almost.


That fucking Javelin glitch is obnoxious. I must have had about 20 killstreaks stopped by it in a few hours today.

That glitch is sooo fun. Only use it when the other team starts to do it though.

Earlier today, the whole other team we were playing with was doing the glitch, as annoying as it was, it was really funny when they chased us around and we refused to shoot at them until we were out of the blast radius

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
Anything that makes camping harder is a plus.

For some reason I keep completing challenges without doing them. I got the 10 grenade kills, but I never use grenades (throwing knife 4 life!!), and I also got a claymore one before I even unlocked claymores.


Los Doyers!
Got another Nuke
Only 8 more to go ;)

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
That glitch is sooo fun. Only use it when the other team starts to do it though.

Earlier today, the whole other team we were playing with was doing the glitch, as annoying as it was, it was really funny when they chased us around and we refused to shoot at them until we were out of the blast radius


That glitch is for kids and losers who should be removed from the gene pool. Don't perpetuate the bullshit by doing it yourself.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I only encountered it once all weekend, and I gotta admit, I watched the killcam and laughed before leaving the game.


It's hard as fuck to get 40 Bullet penetration kills.

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
Agreed, I get killed many times by it when I'm in a location where they normally could not see me or make me out (but I could make them out) and I pick those spots for reasons but with the thermal it's plain as day.

I use the heartbeat sensor myself on two maps (Afghan and Wasteland) since those two maps don't really require my use of FMJ and. Although I must say I hate it when I feel like I'm safe, in a nice hiding spot and am waiting for a guy to come in the door but he realizes I'm there from the heartbeat and is prepared for me (usually a grenade comes first then he charges in).

I find when I use the heartbeat sensor I really on it to much and if someone has ninja then they can walk right up to you because your paying more attention to the heartbeat sensor more then anything


Champion of the Sun
The scrambler can be pretty annoying, although it does alert you that someone is nearby. One thing I can't stand recently is the Model 1887 shotguns with Akimbo, they are way too powerful. I was standing 50ft away from a guy last night and he still managed to kill me in one dual shot.

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
The scrambler can be pretty annoying, although it does alert you that someone is nearby. One thing I can't stand recently is the Model 1887 shotguns with Akimbo, they are way too powerful. I was standing 50ft away from a guy last night and he still managed to kill me in one dual shot.

I love those things imo they're the only thing overpowered in the game