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Multi Modern Warfare 2


Play MW with a 360 controller for a week and youll see that it makes so much more sense

That's because you get used to it...

The same could be said about the PS3 controller, play with for a week and it makes sense.
Although the only time i've played a CoD was on a 360 so i can't say much.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I don't mind those, I just hate the sticks. I've never played an FPS that felt right on a Playstation system.

Yeah, they aren't concave and they are too close together.

never mind. I just proved your point:blushing:

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM EST ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM EST ----------

That's because you get used to it...

The same could be said about the PS3 controller, play with for a week and it makes sense.
Although the only time i've played a CoD was on a 360 so i can't say much.

I've owned COD4 for both systems and I can play with either. I do prefer the 360 controller for FPS' but if for some reason I HAD to use the ps3 controller (this has been the case before) the transition would be seamless. It really isn't hard to use.


I've owned COD4 for both systems and I can play with either. I do prefer the 360 controller for FPS' but if for some reason I HAD to use the ps3 controller (this has been the case before) the transition would be seamless. It really isn't hard to use.

Well, its really all about the PC. FPS's are always best played on the PC, ALWAYS.

I mean its common sense, the games best controller is the keyboard and mouse, end of story.


New Member
I dont know why everyone loves the Mouse and Keyboard so much. When i got San Andreas, i immediatly went and bought a Dualshock looking USB controller to play it.


New Member
San Andreas isn't an FPS though...

I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

What is sprint allocated to on a keyboard? I can't seeing it as easy as the analogue being pushed in.


I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

What is sprint allocated to on a keyboard? I can't seeing it as easy as the analogue being pushed in.

I lol'd at the first part.

And shift usually?


I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

It's a simple matter of turning down the mouse sensitivity in the game's options menu. Mouse and keyboard is definitely much more precise and easier. Takes a bit of getting used to if you're new, sure, but as you play with them more, you'll come to realize it's the best.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Well, its really all about the PC. FPS's are always best played on the PC, ALWAYS.

I mean its common sense, the games best controller is the keyboard and mouse, end of story.

I personally hate it when people say this. I need to find an article I was working up and finish it, it dealt with this very saying...


MD Party Room
I hate the keyboard and mouse on any game,but hey that just me.


New Member
I personally hate it when people say this. I need to find an article I was working up and finish it, it dealt with this very saying...

KB and Mouse is better if you can get used to it. There's no doubt about it, it takes a few hours to get a handle of KB and mouse controls.

The only FPS where I prefer a controller is COD4...


I personally hate it when people say this. I need to find an article I was working up and finish it, it dealt with this very saying...

I lol'd. S'why i posted it.

But it all seriousness, when it comes to gaming, i'd prefer being comfortable over precision.


I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

What is sprint allocated to on a keyboard? I can't seeing it as easy as the analogue being pushed in.

You're quite a special person.


Suck It
I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

What is sprint allocated to on a keyboard? I can't seeing it as easy as the analogue being pushed in.

This made me lol


I've tried it on counterstrike too. I found that the aiming became too sensative with the mouse and my character was spinning like crazy.

What is sprint allocated to on a keyboard? I can't seeing it as easy as the analogue being pushed in.

I really don't know what to say about this except ask if you've ever used a mouse that frequently or do you use a touchpad?


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Games like Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament, Quake, etc. (the competitive ones) require the use of a mouse if you are serious at all. You need the quick precision and turn-around that the mouse provides, the controller does not provide this.

However games like Crysis, Call of Duty, Fallout 3 and all third-person shooters (imo) work great with a controller. You are allowed to relax and sit back to play these games. Call of Duty 4 does not require you to turn around too quickly too often or to move around too fast. The controller is much more comfortable to hold for long periods of time rather than the WASD and mouse combination. I find my left hand getting cramped from moving around too much and have to sit out after long matches.