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PC Official WoW Discussion Thread


New Member

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I had a little pre-caffeinated based mistake when I was merging the RPG and Strategy game sub forums early one morning a few days ago. Some posts were lost and I apologize to those who got the chop.

It was an accident.


New Member
I had a little pre-caffeinated based mistake when I was merging the RPG and Strategy game sub forums early one morning a few days ago. Some posts were lost and I apologize to those who got the chop.

It was an accident.

its ok, i was just wondering, thanks for the info


For the Helghast!
Finally dinged 80 the other day, starting raids and heroics now ^^ VOA10 was too short imo, I didn't like it =(

El Diablo

Don't know if anyone checks this thread that much wince WoW has been crap, but who else is excited for 3.1? WoW has been dead for me since end of January when my guild killed Sarth with 3 drakes. I only log on once a night now to raid, and I still don't even have my drake yet from there :(.

Hopefully with the new patch it will bring back some difficulty and fun to the game and give something to do in it.


Los Doyers!
I just started playing like 3 days ago. I am not so good, level 5 right now. But I was playing with one of my friends who is a level 80 and he showed me some cool stuff and gave me some items for later.


Unrated And Loving It
i have a lvl 80 warrior and a lvl 80 priest on Thorium Brotherhood (US). US servers suck btw... europeans are way better gamers.


The Groove Jesus
Have a lvl 41 Draniei (sp?) Priest. Shadow spec.

The only thing keeping me playing this game is my coworkers. Without them, I would not be playing this game. I find it quite boring without people you actually know in person.

My realm has some problems now. COME ON NOW!!

BTW, QuestHelper FTW!!


New Member

1850 finally this week on my mage, get my furious staff next week. doing 2s with my buddy who is a rogue and still in half blues so i'm amazed we're doing this well already. shooting for 2k+ next week (;

(fives) 80 mage (us-nathrezim)
(cinema) 80 feral druid (us-nathrezim)

edit: oh yeah, ratio sucks for this weeks games because of my high hidden personal rating from last season

El Diablo

Hitting higher rating teams is a lot easier in wotlk than in BC :(.

Also MasterChief, you will probably like it more once you hit the higher levels opening more things up to you, like "real pvp" if you can call any pvp in WoW that, and raids and better instances etc etc.

Also, fuck this stupid ass game. I wish I could stop playing. Every patch makes the game easier and easier and easier and more and more noob friendly ruining the game. What the fuck @ one week wintergrasp now. They didn't even balance out the god damn honor from the quests for it. What the fuck @ nerfing Ulduar before the instance was even out for a week.

I could go on and on but it's not worth it. I hope I get hacked and lose everything so I can finally quit.


New Member
Hitting higher rating teams is a lot easier in wotlk

I don't think so at all, 2350 is now necessary for the tier2 best weapons, pretty much everything's scaled towards getting higher rating then you'd see people get in BC. So yeah getting rating may be a little easier with the new system, but as far as how high of rating you need to get for glad now and for the best gear, it's all the same. Teams are getting 2.6k+ rating now. Glad will probably be a pretty high rating requirement this season.

El Diablo

Yes but getting to "high ratings" is much easier than before....The only teams to reach 2400 in BC were teams who win traded and got banned, if you had 2200 you were fucking awesome, if you had 1800 you were good, now it's not even that hard to get to 1800 with the newer system.


New Member
Yes but getting to "high ratings" is much easier than before....The only teams to reach 2400 in BC were teams who win traded and got banned, if you had 2200 you were fucking awesome, if you had 1800 you were good, now it's not even that hard to get to 1800 with the newer system.

That doesn't even matter due to the fact that 1800-2200 isn't really high anymore, 2k is "good" the best teams will be getting upwards of 2.7k it's the the same - the definition of "high rated" has changed though.


New Member
LOL Arena...

Fucked up the game really, now all you hear is nerf this and nerf that....

World of Warcraft was designed as a PvE game and always will be..


New Member
<-- LVL80 Warrior(Deftank), LVL80 Warlock(Hybrid, Best gear Ingame+Mainchar)
Played: Pre WoW Release. Emulator Dev since Internal Beta Days.

Arena was prolly the worst thing that happened to this game. I Think Battlegrounds were cool enough.. especially for Casual gamers that wanted *some* equip for their chars when the Instant Point adding came along with a patch.

Arena is worst thing because WoW aimed for PvE only in the beginning, sure there were PvP servers but when WoW started the only PvP you could get was around Tarrens mill and stuff, no BG's and nothing.

Battlegrounds changed the Game already alot. But when Arena had been implemented the Balancing was thrown over and over and over again, because *Hardcore "Pro gramers"* whined more then ever...

I've stopped playing this piece of shit that loops itself with the equipping cycle adding Raids with bosses that got Skills from every other boss there ever was +1 skill to make things harder..

This game prolly can't get any more Easier and Noob friendlier then it already is, gimping things to no end.

Now there are less players that got REAL SKILL than noobs that pretend to have. Sad thing.


New Member
Some of us actually play for the social aspect of the game.

Call me sad/no life all you want... Some of the best times and best laughs I've had is with WoW and Ventrillo. Some of the people I know ingame are now good friends of mines.