Your PSN information appears to be showing. What other platforms are you trying to link? List the usernames here and we can check.need to re-sync my gamer tag
Your PSN information appears to be showing. What other platforms are you trying to link? List the usernames here and we can check.need to re-sync my gamer tag
Account has been reactivated now. You should be able to link it again now.Hello.
I ended up removing my account from the site and I regretted it, I tried to link again and I can't, would there be any solution? Xbox GT: drackazz
my xboxlive account : LL CREEP IISuas informações da PSN parecem estar sendo exibidas. Que outras plataformas você está tentando vincular? Liste os nomes de usuário aqui e podemos verificar.
It was removed from the site as you requested deletion. I've reactivated it... CREEP II/my xboxlive account : LL CREEP II
EDIT: Looks like it just updated. Thanks!Unable to get my Nintendo games and Nintendo playtime to update.
I'd prefer if you delete the games yourself using the new option we've added here need full resync, I deleted some games with bugged achievements and the changes are not reflected with manual sync. Thank you.
See this post here: Request please, deleted some games
See this post here:
Should be able to remove the games yourself now.
Fully Resync my account.