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Where are you from?


New Member


Seth's On A Boat.
Sorry. Let me start over.

I live in Los Angeles, California. It's not the busy part of L.A. that everyone thinks about. But yes, the suburbs. It's not all trash and dirty like the streets of downtown, but it's very family-friendly. I live with my family here. There is also Magic Mountain Theme park nearby.

I hope that is better than my first post.

Where was that..I want to say buena park but I don't think so. You know where whittier, lakewood, la mirada, norwalk, santa fe springs, all those are(same general area)?


[insert custom user title here]
Well, I live in Odivelas, Portugal. Nothing special here, it's friendly neighborhood. Not any awesome view nearby. yeah, it's pretty boring :/


Hi yeah it's time pop the posting cherry..
I've been on the forum for a bit. I like to check things out for a bit before I feel comfortable.
I currently live in Melbourne Australia.... it is a fairly nice city. I originally come from a small country town about 500km away from Melbourne. That place was beautiful in the mountains etc etc, its funny how you take these simple things for granted until you no longer have them.
Anyway Melbourne is nice lots of art and stuff if your into that which I am.


New Member
Alright my turn now I guess..I'm from Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) in the state of West Bengal (from where the Royal Bengal Tiger gets its name) in India..to be precise. Its not one of the most beautiful places to live in but..its home. Its exciting, normal and boring depending on the time of the year..now its hot, humid and boring. Here are a few pics..


The uglier side of town.


Better looking side of town. That curious looking building is a Temple.


The Victoria Memorial..a landmark from the days of British occupation.


A view from another side.


Active Member
I'd imagine that most people can't afford or want a car there, so they probably all take a taxi. Definitely makes sense at least.


New Member
cool man! just curious... is it common to drive around in identical orange cars? lol

Its not exactly orange but deep yellow and they are cabs.

I'd imagine that most people can't afford or want a car there, so they probably all take a taxi. Definitely makes sense at least.

Then I'd say you'll will be surprised as to how many people can actually afford cars here and still use taxis cuz the streets are so jam packed all the time . In a country with a population of 1.17 billion, the number of people who can afford a car might be lesser that the ones who can't but still its quite a large number, prolly more than that of the so called developed countries. :sleep:

ugly place as hell.

Question: You ever used play a game called Eudemons Online? just curious..


New Member
hailing from San Francisco, CA (US) north bay area! originally from the other side of america (from PGH, PA) and currently living short-term in japan (nerima ward of tokyo)!! woohoo!!! O(^_^)O