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100 push ups, are you up for it?


Staff Member
Week3 Day1
Set1: 14 Complete
Set2: 18 Complete
Set3: 14 Complete
Set4: 14 Complete
Set5: 20+ Managed to do 23

First few sets were easy enough but 4th and 5th were really difficult. Guessing because I redid the initial test earlier. The cold floor felt so refreshing after the last set. xD


Week 1, Day 1(Second Time)
Set 1: 6 Done
Set 2: 6 Done
Set 3: 4 Done
Set 4: 4 Done
Set 5: 12(Minimum is 5) Done

Wow my arms hurt at the end of that, I thought because I'm going back to Day 1 it would be much easier, I can see why it's important to follow the schedule. I'll do Day 2 on Thursday.


Bodybuilding Gamer
I'm deploying to my Army training tomorrow. I'll talk to you guys after a few months - hope you guys are getting crazy results by then!


Week 5 Day 2
Set 1: 19 Done
Set 2: 19 Done
Set 3: 22 Done
Set 4: 22 Done
Set 5: 18 Done
Set 6: 18 Done
Set 7: 22 Done
Set 8: 57 (least is 45)

Did this right after work so arms are wrecked. Prob would of did more if I was more rested..


Week 1, Day 2
Set 1: 6 Done
Set 2: 8 Done
Set 3: 6 Done
Set 4: 6 Done
Set 5: 11(Atleast 7) Done

I'm not impressed at all with that last set, I thought I'd beat my record of 13. I'm gonna do day 3 inside, I decided to do today outside on concrete and it did seem just a bit more difficult.


Staff Member
Did Week3 Day2 on Wednesday night, been busy since so haven't had a chance to post

Set1: 20 Complete
Set2: 25 Complete
Set3: 15 Complete
Set4: 15 Complete
Set5: 25+ Managed 25

Was swimming yesterday and also messing about swinging on football poles and such. I'll try Week3 Day3 later.


Week 5 Day 3 - 45 Sec Rests
Set 1: 20 Done
Set 2: 20 Done
Set 3: 24 Done
Set 4: 24 Done
Set 5: 20 Done
Set 6: 20 Done
Set 7: 22 Done
Set 8: 58 (least is 50) Done

Busy day with some other workouts beforehand

I'm serious about hitting that 100 soon :cool:


Week 1, Day 3
Set 1: 8 Done
Set 2: 10 Done
Set 3: 7 Done
Set 4: 7 Done
Set 5: 12(Atleast 10) Done

That was pretty tough, I'll do my end of week test tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it.


I haven't updated recently because I had two ingrowing toenails removed, so obviously I couldn't do them.



Staff Member
I've been staying with a friend so didn't get a chance to do Week3 Day3 and now I'm ill. I'll restart Week3 when feeling better


Finally completed Week 1, I did my end-of-week test before work today(June 8), and am really pleased with the results; got 17, which is huge for me!

I'm going to follow through with this, this year it's really important to me that I get into shape. I have asthma and a heart problem, so being overweight is not helping me at all. I have also found that it's easier for me to eat more healthily now that I think about my fitness on a daily basis.

I might start Week 2 in the morning, depending on how I'm feeling. Hitting 17 killed me though, I felt exhausted for the first 2 hours or so at work tonight, definitely worth it though.


Week 6 Day 1: Little late but got it done

60 Sec Rests

Set 1: 45 - Done
Set 2: 55 - Done
Set 3: 35 - Done
Set 4: 30 - Done
Set 5: At least 55: Accomplished 66 - Done


Week 2, Day 1
Set 1: 9 - Done
Set 2: 11 - Done
Set 3: 8 - Done
Set 4: 8 - Done
Set 5: (At least 11) 14 - Done

Also went swimming today, so I'm feeling pretty good, gotta leave for work in 2.5 hours aswell.