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PSP PSP Go! pic...?

user friendly

New Member
I'm still hoping that Sony will show us that it's a touch screen as weel at E3.

For anyone who still hasn't seen the Qore episode, check here Super good quality.

I don't see why it will fail because it only has one analog. It's not a PSP2 and the current model will still be at retail beside the GO!


Just some dood
WTH is up with people and touchscreens? PSP is better off without one, it'll seem like a DS rip-off... Plus touchscreens are damn overrated...


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
I'm still hoping that Sony will show us that it's a touch screen as weel at E3.

For anyone who still hasn't seen the Qore episode, check here Super good quality.

I don't see why it will fail because it only has one analog. It's not a PSP2 and the current model will still be at retail beside the GO!

Thanks for the vid, hadn't seen it till now.

From what I saw, it'll use a different form of USB I/O, which I'm pretty sure people haven't pointed out yet. I'm also a tad curious about those semi-circular *things* (for want of a better word) on the back, they seem out of place to me (although now that I think about it, they could be there for better ergonomics). The screws on the back don't look flush with the faceplate, since the colors of both clash (might just be a pet-peeve). The memory sounds nice, and I wonder if Sony might sell games on Micro SD (correct name?). From watching the video, it actually attracted me more than the pictures. I still dislike the fact that there isn't a second nub, but guess what? It's like userfriendly said, "it's not a PSP2," it's just another revision.

user friendly

New Member
WTH is up with people and touchscreens? PSP is better off without one, it'll seem like a DS rip-off... Plus touchscreens are damn overrated...

I doubt it will have the feature but I don't see it doing any harm and I doubt it would come off as a DS rip off, maybe back in the day but now everything has a touch screen. I just think a touch screen would be sweet for when you have it in the closed position.


Just some dood
i can understand your point but still... i don't seem Sony puttinhg a feature that is popular from the competition on their own hardware... it just doesn't sit right... plus if Sony didn't do it till now, maybe they won't ever i guess


Like a Boss
It looks awesome when closed. So this thing doesn't take pro duo anymore?

Better quality

If you looked at the box, it said 16 GB. So I'm assuming internal flash memory. Woot.


cant fux widdit
I'm still hoping that Sony will show us that it's a touch screen as weel at E3.

For anyone who still hasn't seen the Qore episode, check here Super good quality.

I don't see why it will fail because it only has one analog. It's not a PSP2 and the current model will still be at retail beside the GO!

I wonder how many adds that guy that came online received. :p


Like a Boss
The analog looks like a problem. When it's opened, it's kind of ugly. I probably won't get one until it's hacked. Until then, I'll feed off the developers' frenzy over this thing and nab some great upcoming games. MGS, Gran Turismo, LBP, Warhawk, etc. Awesome.


[insert custom user title here]
I'm starting to wonder if Sony cares about their fans/consumers. Since PSP 1K fans have been complaining about the lack of a second analog and they never considered adding it.


I'm starting to wonder if Sony cares about their fans/consumers. Since PSP 1K fans have been complaining about the lack of a second analog and they never considered adding it.

People need to stop bitching about the absence of a second nub. The PSP was released with only one, why add one now? New owners would be dismayed that previous games wouldn't be compatible with the second nub.


I think they should just completely scrap that piece of garbage and rethink it completely. There are so many areas where they can improve on that. First one being the flushed analog stick.


Like a Boss
I'm starting to wonder if Sony cares about their fans/consumers. Since PSP 1K fans have been complaining about the lack of a second analog and they never considered adding it.

Maybe because of compatibility issues with older games. If you want a second analog, it's coming on the PSP2. And let's be serious here, are you really going to do hardcore gaming for an FPS on a handheld?


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Maybe because of compatibility issues with older games. If you want a second analog, it's coming on the PSP2. And let's be serious here, are you really going to do hardcore gaming for an FPS on a handheld?

How would it have compatibility issues? All the older games use the same buttons that are readily available on the PSP Go. Newer games could have the option of adding a PSP Go control scheme if it had a second nub. I hate to rehash what everyone else is saying, but there doesn't seem to be any good argument for not having a second analog nub.