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Some people find that formatting flash1 can fix issues like that, but you really don't want to do that in 3.71. Sony has a bug in the firmware that generally bricks the PSP instead of formatting the flash properly. If that doesn't work, it's almost certainly a hardware problem. The only remotely similar battery issue (PSP won't turn on if battery is less than 12%) is fixed by fixing key 6. If it says key 6 is fine, it's not a key problem. And as I said before, I don't know ANY key that will make the battery not work at all.
Thanks for help. At least I could try if somebody helped me.
I dont know if my battery bricked or not. Maybe my psp wont turn on just because battery level is higher than something (all my batts "bricked" after I charged my psp for a long time - a night f.e.)
I formatted my flash1 many times - nothing changes (and still psp wont boot if batt less than 20%).
My main problem is I can't try anything - all my friends have psps of another region and with ta79 motherboard. I hope somebody will send me this dump one day so I can confirm is there connection with idstorage or not.
Thanks for help. At least I could try if somebody helped me.
I dont know if my battery bricked or not. Maybe my psp wont turn on just because battery level is higher than something (all my batts "bricked" after I charged my psp for a long time - a night f.e.)
I formatted my flash1 many times - nothing changes (and still psp wont boot if batt less than 20%).
My main problem is I can't try anything - all my friends have psps of another region and with ta79 motherboard. I hope somebody will send me this dump one day so I can confirm is there connection with idstorage or not.

You do NOT want to be writing someone else's idstorage to your PSP - it will prevent you from using most of the PSP features if you do so. Most of the keys are specific to a particular PSP, and replacing them with keys from another PSP means they won't decode on your PSP, and hence, the functionality they control is lost. You won't be able to use the UMD, the Wifi, the USB, and homebrew won't run from the XMB (you'll get a wrong region error message).

KeyCleaner v1.4 uses the Adler-32 checksum method to check the keys. If it says they are good, they're GOOD. The odds of the checksum coming up good when the key is really bad are astronomical. It's why I switched to using it a couple revs ago. Old copies of KC only checked a few key bytes in the key, not the whole thing. The current rev checks the entire key via checksumming.
key cleaner key 41

Hi Chilly Willy,
Excerlent program, i have used it on several psp's.
On my personal psp which was running 3.52 m33 key cleaner worked fine but i have since updated it to m33 version 4 now when i ran key cleaner 1.4 i get

"Checking key... 0x0041 failed Readkey returned code 0xFFFFFFFF."

it correctly identified the motherboard as a jap 1000 and as a TA 082/86
can you help me with this or can i safely ignore it?

Thnx in advance.
Hi Chilly Willy,
Excerlent program, i have used it on several psp's.
On my personal psp which was running 3.52 m33 key cleaner worked fine but i have since updated it to m33 version 4 now when i ran key cleaner 1.4 i get

"Checking key... 0x0041 failed Readkey returned code 0xFFFFFFFF."

it correctly identified the motherboard as a jap 1000 and as a TA 082/86
can you help me with this or can i safely ignore it?

Thnx in advance.

key41 is for USB Connections,
so if you're not using usbhostfs, or USB Connection a lot (if usb connection is fine then it doesn't matter), then it would be okay.
My PSP is a Ta-86 and which is a PSP1006 Hong Kong Model, I guess.

My PSP's MAC was "-" and I use Chilly Willy's ID cleaner and ID storage to edit the 0x44 key to restore back my MAC address, it also fixed some of my keys. Thanks for the great software and the great man! Now, I could connected to my AP to browse Internet...

However, I find another big problem. It could not connect to other PSP to play networked game. I tried to search lot of web pages, it tells the key 0x45 is related to WLAN's region... I changed the key from "03 00 01" to "02 00 01" which is from other PSP... after that, it could not start WLAN-test from menu... I tried to change "00 00 01" which could connect to my AP but not network game...

Don't know if there is any other key could fix my problem? Could anyone help me?
My PSP is a Ta-86 and which is a PSP1006 Hong Kong Model, I guess.

My PSP's MAC was "-" and I use Chilly Willy's ID cleaner and ID storage to edit the 0x44 key to restore back my MAC address, it also fixed some of my keys. Thanks for the great software and the great man! Now, I could connected to my AP to browse Internet...

However, I find another big problem. It could not connect to other PSP to play networked game. I tried to search lot of web pages, it tells the key 0x45 is related to WLAN's region... I changed the key from "03 00 01" to "02 00 01" which is from other PSP... after that, it could not start WLAN-test from menu... I tried to change "00 00 01" which could connect to my AP but not network game...

Don't know if there is any other key could fix my problem? Could anyone help me?

I'd say flash your key45 back to the original one first,
Then use the WiFi MAC Address Fixer to create key44 again.
Now see if it works.

Key45 is unique for every PSP mobo, and very possibly unique for every individual PSP, I would recommend not to flash someone else key45 to your PSP.
I'd say flash your key45 back to the original one first,
Then use the WiFi MAC Address Fixer to create key44 again.
Now see if it works.

Key45 is unique for every PSP mobo, and very possibly unique for every individual PSP, I would recommend not to flash someone else key45 to your PSP.

Thank you for your reply.
I don't have the backup of my original key45, that's why I want to know the parameter of other PSP. In fact, I checked two other PSP, both of them are Japan model which Key45 value is "02 00 01", the rest are zero... and mine is "03 00 01" which is from other PSP's default value.

Other information... I used to play Monster Hunter, when I go to the room.. the message is English it tells "waiting for connect" and now, it becomes Japanese... so I guess the region had been changed.
I just compared the keys of a TA-79 version with my Ta-86 version PSP, both of them are running 3.71-M33.
The key are different in 05,06,10,11,13,45, 100-106, 120-126.
I make the key 06,10,11,13,45 are same as the TA-79. The WLAN still not work.
05- IPL
06- RAM Timing
10- MagicGate
11- MagicGate
13- MagicGate
45- WLAN Region
100- DNAS, VSH region, Internet browser region, ad-hoc region
101- OpenPSID
102-106 UMD
120-126 Backup of 100-106 key
What things I can tried?
I just compared the keys of a TA-79 version with my Ta-86 version PSP, both of them are running 3.71-M33.
The key are different in 05,06,10,11,13,45, 100-106, 120-126.
I make the key 06,10,11,13,45 are same as the TA-79. The WLAN still not work.
05- IPL
06- RAM Timing
10- MagicGate
11- MagicGate
13- MagicGate
45- WLAN Region
100- DNAS, VSH region, Internet browser region, ad-hoc region
101- OpenPSID
102-106 UMD
120-126 Backup of 100-106 key
What things I can tried?

The thing is, key45 is unique, so using other PSP will only damage more. If you don't have a backup, then possibly you're WLAN is useless forever.

change the magicgate keys back to the original, is different for each motherboard.

key5 is okay changing to other but i don't recommend so.
Key 0x45 is not unique to every PSP, just unique to the model and region it was intended for. It only contains a couple bytes, so you can fix it by hand using IDSM and a table of values (you'll find one over at lan.st).

Key 0x44 holds the MAC address. There is an app out that can "fix" key 0x44.
This is bad..

I have a TA-082/86 PSP-1006,

Which i had a 3.71 M33-4 firmware on it.

Recently, I tried to update to 3.80 M33 but it gave me an error, I think I corrupted my files, and I when I used this program, It says:"The motherboard cannot be determined from the idStorage
There may be a problem with the idStorage on this PSP", I tried dumping files and stuff, but to no avail.

What's more, My MAC Address is missing, I can connect to the internet but cannot connect to other PSP's. Tried Mac Fixer, it said :"Error writing updated address".

I think it all happened went I went to Malaysia,Johor for my modification, how stupid of me..
If you have a backup of you nand, write that back (or at least the idstorage part), then use pandora on it.

If you don't have a backup of the nand, you're in for a lot more trouble. You should be able to get back to where everything but the UMD works, but without the original idstorage, your UMD is dead.
Hi Chilly

I,m pretty much in the same boat everything works apart from umd & adhock I was interested to read your comment about restoring everything apart from umd .It would be great if i could get the adhock working again,care to elaborate on how i could try and fix this

cheers arman:smile:
@arman - I've just seen reports in threads at MC and lan.st. You'd be best to do a little more research as I don't remember exactly off hand. It's BASICALLY just using someone else's keys with certain keys deleted to force the PSP to use a default setting. That doesn't work with the UMD as the keys 120-126 are used to decode the UMD data, and those keys are specific to the particular PSP.

@DJSkeeter - You either need custom firmware, or official fimrware + HEN (Homebrew ENabler). HEN is available for 2.71, 2.80, 3.03, and 3.50. If you don't have one of those exact versions, you are stuck unless you can get the pandora battery and stick to go back down to 1.50 again.
Hey Chilly

Thanks for the responce sorry to be a P.I.T.A but i had a good look through the posts at lan.st. & mc but could,t find anything specific on what you said any chance of giving me a little more to go on or you could pm me if you like thanks again :smile:
Hey Chilly

Thanks for the responce sorry to be a P.I.T.A but i had a good look through the posts at lan.st. & mc but could,t find anything specific on what you said any chance of giving me a little more to go on or you could pm me if you like thanks again :smile:

I don't really know more, just what someone reported in one of the threads (forget where exactly). He wrote a set of someone else's keys, then started deleting certain keys (I think one was 8, but I'm not sure which he wound up deleting in all). After deleting a key, he'd check how things were going. If you do this yourself and figure out how to get the same result this other person reported, please let us know exactly what you did so others in the same position can try it as well.
Like I said, I don't remember offhand exactly which ones he deleted. I'm not sure he even said more than just one, and I forget which that was. Just keep at it. Someone has to try them all, and it might as well be you. :D