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Great, any way you can provide info how to convert into an elf? I have tried to google, not much info found...

Thanks for any help.
Ok, I am having a big problem. I have created a KeyCleaner elf, however when I run keycleaner from the elf menu I get an error 0x00 stating my motherboard cannot be determined. If I analyze keys, all have errors, and keycleaner states problem with IDStorage.

I have only been able to recover writing a full NAND.

After I restore the NAND, I run keycleaner from the XMB and there are no errors and my motherboard is recognized as the correct TA-085. If I go back into the elf menu and run keycleaner, it trashes my IDStorage again...

I have tried 3-4 times, but get the same problem.

I am using Keycleaner 1.4 with the elf creation method explained from Jas0nk on Lan.st using the PBPUnpacker and extracting the data file.

PSP Slim 2000 TA-085
Ok, I am having a big problem. I have created a KeyCleaner elf, however when I run keycleaner from the elf menu I get an error 0x00 stating my motherboard cannot be determined. If I analyze keys, all have errors, and keycleaner states problem with IDStorage.

I have only been able to recover writing a full NAND.

After I restore the NAND, I run keycleaner from the XMB and there are no errors and my motherboard is recognized as the correct TA-085. If I go back into the elf menu and run keycleaner, it trashes my IDStorage again...

I have tried 3-4 times, but get the same problem.

I am using Keycleaner 1.4 with the elf creation method explained from Jas0nk on Lan.st using the PBPUnpacker and extracting the data file.

PSP Slim 2000 TA-085

When the KC elf trashes your IDStorage again, dont restore the NAND yet. Boot up your PSP normally and try KC from the XMB. If the mobo is not determined even when KC is booted from the XMB, THEN restore your NAND.

I've look through the KC source code (lots of times), it only touches your keys either when you want to patch/unpatch key5 (for phat PSPs) or when it fixes small problems.
Booting up and the analyzing the keys literally don't touch anything.

I pretty much think that it's an error/bug when you boot up KC from the elf menu.
First I would like to say thank you for your patience and support. After I launch keycleaner from an elf, I can not boot into XMB. I can get into recovery and back into the elf menu, but no XMB.

I get an instant brick, cannot even recover with DCv4. It appears Flash1 is getting nailed with something... DCv4 locks on format of flash1.

Again this happens only after I launch KC from an elf menu.

I am lost...
You can't run KC or IDSM from pandora on the SLIM because the keys are encrypted. You should use KC or IDSM on the Slim from the XMB only. The latest nandtool will access keys from pandora on the Slim.
Can I use the Keycleaner 1.4 to dump the NAND from my PSPs which are Phat, 3.80m33-5 and Slim 3.90m33?
Will the application work fine in these 2 PSPs?
I had used the KC1.4 and analyze my Key on my PSP1002, TA-82, 3.80m33-5
It shown up that some of my keys have to be bad key:


The first time i got my PSP was 3.03oe-a. Then I continue upgrade 3.40oe > 3.52m33 >3.80m33 (whereby it said that some of my keys need to be fix, so I press X and fixed it) without bricking my PSP once.
Now the question is that Do I have to fix the keys or dump my keys first and fix it? Besides, I also have the original key 5 and my PSP2000, TA85, 3.90m33 all keys are okay.
key42 and 43 and for USB. very possibly your PSP used an old downgrader. You'll need to find a clean pair to fix it

key45: WLAN Region. Fix it with KC
key46: Not Sure, I do remember KC fixes it.
key47: Default parental lock level. You Don't have to care too much on it.

It would be best to start looking for a clean set of keys around the net. and back up your keys first (even if some aren't correct) so if something messes up you can revert back.

So you should have 4 sets of keys best: Original keys from your psp (TA-082/TA-085) and
Clean set of keys found on the net (TA-082/TA-085)

Does it mean that my key42 and 43 cannot(if possible) be fixed by KC? I have to find those 2 keys from net? (or can you send me urs XD). But i dont remember i have used downgrader to downgrade my PSP, only upgrade.

Besides, how do I back up my keys and what is the exact size after back up? I've heard that backing up the NAND is also important for PSP, too.

(Why is my reply above Acerthief O.o?)
key42 and 43 and for USB. very possibly your PSP used an old downgrader. You'll need to find a clean pair to fix it

key45: WLAN Region. Fix it with KC
key46: Not Sure, I do remember KC fixes it.
key47: Default parental lock level. You Don't have to care too much on it.

It would be best to start looking for a clean set of keys around the net. and back up your keys first (even if some aren't correct) so if something messes up you can revert back.

So you should have 4 sets of keys best: Original keys from your psp (TA-082/TA-085) and
Clean set of keys found on the net (TA-082/TA-085)
KeyCleaner used to look for every combination of every type of downgrader and "cleanup" program out. The current one doesn't as it's pretty rare to see someone who has used both an old downgrader and an old cleaner. Sorry 'bout that. :)

You might try looking at how KC says the keys are bad - for example, if it says one key is a copy of a different key that's also bad, using IdStorage Manager to write the key over the other will restore that key. Every key you can handle that way is one less key you have to find/edit by hand with a hexeditor.
This is what I have when I use KeyCleaner 1.4 to analyze my keys on PSP Phat 3.80m33-5:

0x0005...okay! Original unpatched key 5 found.
0x0041...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0006.
0x0042...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0041.
0x0043...failed! This key is clear and shouldn't be.
0x0045...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0047.
0x0046...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0045.
0x0047...failed! This key is clear and shouldn't be.

There's a pic which i uploaded too.
But when I update from 3.40oe-a > 3.52m33-4 > 3.80m33-5, I didn't face any problem or brick during the whole progress. Only when update to 3.80m33, it said that my key 5 need to be fixed.


  • DSC05893.JPG
    937.5 KB · Views: 169
0x0041...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0006.
0x0042...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0041.
0x0043...failed! This key is clear and shouldn't be.
0x0045...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0047.
0x0046...failed! This key is a copy of key 0x0045.
0x0047...failed! This key is clear and shouldn't be.

You needed to have fixed the keys before you did the update from 3.40 or 3.52. In the meantime, looking at the keys shows:

Dump the keys.
Rename 0x0042.bin to 0x0041.bin.
Rename 0x0045.bin to 0x0047.bin.
Rename 0x0046.bin to 0x0045.bin.
Verify/fix keys. That should allow you to fix those three keys.
Run KC.
Analyze keys. The rest that are bad KC should be able to handle.
But I already updated from 3.40 to 3.52 last time without the knowledge of the keys. Now I just heard from someone that some of the keys is unique for one PSP. Then I run the KC on my PSP3.80m33-5 and found those keys' problems. So now I just need to follow the steps to fix those keys?
But I already updated from 3.40 to 3.52 last time without the knowledge of the keys. Now I just heard from someone that some of the keys is unique for one PSP. Then I run the KC on my PSP3.80m33-5 and found those keys' problems. So now I just need to follow the steps to fix those keys?


hi peeps, ive got psp 1006 with TA-082/86 and im having major probs updating cfw, ive bricked few times and no matter what i do i get the message saying idstorage is corrupt press x to fix or r to exit.. a mate told me about chilly willy keycleaner so i got it n ran it.. fixed key 5 and also all other keys it said needed fixing i fixed, but still cant update cfw.. im on 3.52 m33-4 and cant seem to get any higher.. ive read up a fair bit but how do i backup nand.. what is nand? knowing me i need new set off clean keys but how do i put them onto my psp.. its all confusing but i know il get there in the end.. cheers... apdd

xcuse me for being a numpty... ive sorted nand buisness... but could i get the idstorage off of my nieces psp, its an older one TA-079 and will they work on my TA-082.. also i purchased my pandora battery and magikstik off of person who sold his psp.. im not sure of the downgrader because i didnt do it.. is there anyway i can tell and would it be better for me to restore my psp too normal and wipe the magikstik and make another one with latest downgrader.. as i said my psp is 1006 and motheroard is ic1003/TA-082/86..
thanx in advance.. apdd
hi peeps, ive got psp 1006 with TA-082/86 and im having major probs updating cfw, ive bricked few times and no matter what i do i get the message saying idstorage is corrupt press x to fix or r to exit.. a mate told me about chilly willy keycleaner so i got it n ran it.. fixed key 5 and also all other keys it said needed fixing i fixed, but still cant update cfw.. im on 3.52 m33-4 and cant seem to get any higher.. ive read up a fair bit but how do i backup nand.. what is nand? knowing me i need new set off clean keys but how do i put them onto my psp.. its all confusing but i know il get there in the end.. cheers... apdd

xcuse me for being a numpty... ive sorted nand buisness... but could i get the idstorage off of my nieces psp, its an older one TA-079 and will they work on my TA-082.. also i purchased my pandora battery and magikstik off of person who sold his psp.. im not sure of the downgrader because i didnt do it.. is there anyway i can tell and would it be better for me to restore my psp too normal and wipe the magikstik and make another one with latest downgrader.. as i said my psp is 1006 and motheroard is ic1003/TA-082/86..
thanx in advance.. apdd

Do NOT use the idstorage from another PSP! Except for a few keys, the majority are specific to the particular PSP. Not to mention, even the "universal" keys are not all the same between the 79/81 and the 82/86.

What does KeyCleaner report of the keys? Then run IdStorage Manager and check if you have keys 7 and 8. Some folks are missing them for some reason, and an 86 cannot be updated to new firmware without them.